leadership.local is our approach to developing & equipping leaders—for all of their frontlines, including the local church.

Leaders at St Bart's (i.e., those responsible for leading teams, ministry areas, or departments) participate in six leadership workshops every year, each focusing on a different aspect essential to leadership. Our hope is that leadership.local will equip people to lead not only at St Bart's, but on all of their frontlines in which they serve.

Each module is part of an overall leadership framework. This framework consists of 20 modules and designed around a carousel (i.e., people can enter at any point on a three-year cycle). New leaders are onboarded using two core modules: (a) Growing as a Disciple; and (b) Understanding Your Strengths.

  • Leadership.Local Modules: all modules are available freely online for anyone who would like make use of the materials. These are currently under development and will be added incrementally.
  • Other Churches (or ministries): please note that other churches are welcome to freely utilise any of the material provided. If you'd like any assistance or would like to partner more closely, we'd love to hear from you (and also receive any feedback).
  • Leadership Podcast: As part of the prework for each module, we publish a new episode with every module added. Subscribe below.
If you would like to know more about leadership.local, please contact our Senior Minister, Adam Lowe.

Workshop Modules

Workshops are in-person every 2 months for 120 minutes. Based on an action-learning methodology, each module for leadership.local is designed around a rhythm of Pre-Work > Workshop > Post-Work.

Prework may include:
  • Read or watch some recommended material.
  • Listen to a 15-20 minute leadership conversation podcast.
  • Reflect on one or two preparation questions.
Workshop includes:
  • Meeting for 120 minutes in-person.
  • Checking-in on homework from last time.
  • Updates on any relevant notices for leaders.
  • Hearing (interview) from some our leaders.
  • Facilitated Workshop for the module we are focusing on. Leaders are positioned with other leaders from their department/area to help facilitate collaborative learning).
Homework may include:
  • Key Application related to the module area.
  • Worksheets to help contextually apply learning.
  • Stretch resources to go deeper (optional)
  • Feedback opportunity via on online survey.
Leadership Areas & Modules
  • Onboarding: Growing as a Disciple; Understanding Your Leadership Style.
  • Leading Self: Forming Great Habits; Getting Things Done; Continuous Learning.
  • Growing People: Coaching; Effective Communication; Identifying Potential.
  • Effective Teams: Team Building; Recruiting & Training Others; Managing Conflict; Creating Purpose & Focus; Effective Delegation; Celebrating Together
  • Fostering Collaboration: Effective Meetings; Making Decisions; Effective Planning.
  • Nurturing Community: Shaping & Sharing Vision; Understanding Change; Shaping Culture

Modules Available

Leadership Conversations: new interviews with each module

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