Making decisions is an essential part of leadership that can have a broad range of impacts. Research shows that the decision process matters more than the quality and detail of analysis by a factor of 6! In this module, we'll explore: (a) Why Decision-Making Matters; (b) Two Types of Decision-Making; and (c) a Framework for Decision-Making.
Making decisions is an essential part of leadership that can have a broad range of impacts. Research shows that the decision process matters more than the quality and detail of analysis by a factor of 6! In this module, we'll explore: (a) Why Decision-Making Matters; (b) Two Types of Decision-Making; and (c) a Framework for Decision-Making.
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Module Overview

Making decisions is an essential part of leadership that can have a broad range of impacts. Research shows that the decision process matters more than the quality and detail of analysis by a factor of 6! In this module, we'll consider why decision-making matters, two types of decision-making, and a framework for decision-making.

Core Components in this Module

  1. Prework: (a) When was a time that you made a good decision as a leader in a complex situation? What helped you make that decision? (b) When was a time that you made a 'less than optimal' decision as a leader? What do you think led to that outcome?
  2. Workshop: The workshop focuses on: (a) Why Decision-Making Matters; (b) Two Types of Decision-Making; and (c) a Framework for Decision-Making.
  3. Homework: (a) Individual: Identify one upcoming decision that you need to make in your area of leadership. (b) Team: After DEFINING the decision, discuss with your team and get their input on the best approach using the process.

Also in this Module

  • Going Deeper: If you would like to go deeper on this topic, some additional resources are provided including books, videos, and articles.


To prepare for the workshop, please take the following three steps.

  1. Step 1A: When was a time that you made a good decision as a leader in a complex situation? What helped you make that decision?
  2. Step 1B: When was a time that you made a 'less than optimal' decision as a leader? What do you think led to that outcome?


  1. Checkin homework from the last session (Effective Delegation)
  2. What Decision-Making Matters
  3. Two Types of Decision-Making
  4. A Framework for Decision-Making


During this workshop, we considered why decision-making matters, two types of decision-making, and a framework for decision-making.

  • Individual: Identify one upcoming decision that you need to make in your area of leadership.
  • Team: After DEFINING the decision, discuss with your team and get their input on the best approach using the process.

Please use the worksheet under the workshop tab to help guide your homework.

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