Recognising and growing your strengths is a key foundation to our leadership development approach at St Bart's. Why? Because we recognise that God has gifted us individually and collectively with a diversity of gifts for his Gospel purposes. This is the second – of two – core modules of leadership.local
Recognising and growing your strengths is a key foundation to our leadership development approach at St Bart's. Why? Because we recognise that God has gifted us individually and collectively with a diversity of gifts for his Gospel purposes. This is the second – of two – core modules of leadership.local
Leadership.Local Overview
Module Feedback Survey

Module Overview

Recognising and growing your strengths is a key foundation to our leadership development approach at St Bart's. Why? Because we recognise that God has gifted us individually and collectively with a diversity of gifts for his Gospel purposes. This is the second – of two – core modules of leadership.local

Core Components in this Module

  1. Prework: To prepare for the workshop, you will need to complete the "Leading From Your Strengths" assessment. An invitation for this will be issued separately from ministry insights.
  2. Workshop: The workshop provides: (a) an overview to the Leading From Your Strengths tool; (b) an introduction to the scales and strengths wheel (with associated reflection questions); and (c) an opportunity to reflect on your (and your team's) strengths, movement, and growth areas.
  3. Homework: Two parts:
  • (a) Individually: As you read your report and reflect on your strengths, consider: (i) what would help grow your leadership strengths; (ii) how can you address any leadership weaknesses; (iii) are there any significant areas of 'movement' that are currently utilising a lot of your leadership energy; (iv) how does this relate to your leadership plan?
  • (b) In Your Team: Consider other aspects of the report (e.g., Communication Do's and Don'ts; Areas for Development, and Value Contributed to Team). In particular, ask: (i) What are the similarities? (ii) What are the differences? and (iii) Where are the gaps?

​Also in this Module

  • Going Deeper: If you would like to go deeper on this topic, some additional resources are provided.
  • Feedback: To provide feedback, complete the survey at the end.


Complete the Ministry Insights Assessment

To prepare for this module, you will need to complete the Leading From Your Strengths assessment from Ministry Insights.

  • If you're a leader at St Bart's, your department leader will send you an email link to complete the survey.
  • If you're not a leader at St Bart's, you can purchase an assessment individually at the Ministry Insights website.
Further Information

If you're interested, you can read more about the assessment on the Ministry Insights website.



  1. Checkin homework from the last session (Discipleship Module)
  2. An introduction to Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) Strength Scales
  3. An overview of the LFYS Strengths Wheel
  4. An opportunity to reflect on your (and your team's) strengths, movement, and growth areas


During this workshop, we considered our various leadership strengths and opportunities for development. We also had the opportunity to consider some of the various strengths of the leaders with whom we collaborate. For homework (before the next workshop and module):

  • Individually: Consider the additional reflection questions (listed on the worksheet provided in the workshop materials)*
  • For Teams: Make time to discuss this further.

The individual questions were:

  1. What would help you grow your leadership strengths?
  2. How can you address any leadership weaknesses?
  3. Are there any significant areas of ‘movement’ that are currently utilising a lot of your leadership energy?
  4. How does this relate to your discipleship plan?

Leadership Conversations: new interviews with each module

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