As God leads us to work together as a whole in teams we need the diversity of all of God’s people. The Working Genius assessment helps us appreciate one another's gifts, leverage one another's strengths, and even bear with one another in Christian love. In this module, we'll be introduced to the Working Genius, and then use it to better understand one another and our teams.
As God leads us to work together as a whole in teams we need the diversity of all of God’s people. The Working Genius assessment helps us appreciate one another's gifts, leverage one another's strengths, and even bear with one another in Christian love. In this module, we'll be introduced to the Working Genius, and then use it to better understand one another and our teams.
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Module Overview

As God leads us to work together as a whole in teams we need the diversity of all of God’s people. The Working Genius assessment helps us appreciate one another's gifts, leverage one another's strengths, and even bear with one another in Christian love. In this module, we'll be introduced to the Working Genius, and then use it to better understand one another and our teams.

Core Components in this Module

  1. Prework: a) Introduce your profile (what are your working geniuses, competencies, and frustrations); b) What’s your initial reaction? (e.g., rings true, doesn’t make sense, you’re not sure).
  2. Workshop: The workshop focuses on: (a) Overview of Working Genius; (b) Understanding One Another; (c) Understanding Our Teams
  3. Homework: (a) Individual: How can you be more aware of when your GENIUSES and FRUSTRATIONS are at work? (b) Team: What do you think could be a natural next step as a team?

Also in this Module

  • Going Deeper: If you would like to go deeper on this topic, some additional resources are provided including books, videos, and articles.


To prepare for the workshop, please take the following two steps.

  1. Step 1A: Introduce your profile (what are your working geniuses, competencies, and frustrations).
  2. Step 1B: What’s your initial reaction? (e.g., rings true, doesn’t make sense, you’re not sure).


  1. Checkin homework from the last session (Effective Communication)
  2. Overview of Working Genius
  3. Understanding One Another
  4. Understanding Our Teams


During this workshop, we considered how the Working Genius tool helps us to understand our selves and our teams. For homework (before the next workshop and module):

  • Individual: How can you be more aware of when your GENIUSES and FRUSTRATIONS are at work?
  • Team: What do you think could be a natural next step as a team?

Please use the worksheet under the workshop tab to help guide your homework.

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