Delegation is one of the most important skills for leaders, especially in helping teams to grow, be fruitful, and effectively share work together. Yet, most leaders find delegation challenging! In this workshop, we'll consider why delegation matters, the common blockers to delegation, and some key tips on how to effectively delegate.
Delegation is one of the most important skills for leaders, especially in helping teams to grow, be fruitful, and effectively share work together. Yet, most leaders find delegation challenging! In this workshop, we'll consider why delegation matters, the common blockers to delegation, and some key tips on how to effectively delegate.
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Module Overview

Delegation is one of the most important skills for leaders, especially in helping teams to grow, be fruitful, and effectively share work together. Yet, most leaders find delegation challenging! In this workshop, we'll consider why delegation matters, the common blockers to delegation, and some key tips on how to effectively delegate.

Core Components in this Module

  1. Prework: a) In the area that you lead, one is one thing that you have found difficult to delegate? (b) If you could delegate just one aspect of your role—that would make a significant different to your leadership—what would it be? (BONUS: why would it be so significant?)
  2. Workshop: The workshop focuses on: (a) What & Why of Delegation; (b) Common Blockers; and (c) How to Delegate.
  3. Homework: (a) Individual: Try setting aside one hour each week to work on one area that you would like to effectively delegate.(b) Team: Ask your team what areas (or even one area!) they think you should focus on delegating as a priority.

Also in this Module

  • Going Deeper: If you would like to go deeper on this topic, some additional resources are provided including books, videos, and articles.


To prepare for the workshop, please take the following three steps.

  1. Step 1A: In the area that you lead, one is one thing that you have found difficult to delegate?
  2. Step 1B: If you could delegate just one aspect of your role—that would make a significant different to your leadership—what would it be? (BONUS: why would it be so significant?)


  1. Checkin homework from the last session (Recruitment & Training)
  2. What & Why of Delegation
  3. Common Blockers
  4. How to Delegate


During this workshop, we considered considered why delegation matters, the common blockers to delegation, and some key tips on how to effectively delegate. For homework (before the next workshop and module):

  • Individual: Try setting aside one hour each week to work on one area that you would like to effectively delegate.
  • Team: Ask your team what areas (or even one area!) they think you should focus on delegating as a priority.

Please use the worksheet under the workshop tab to help guide your homework.

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