Jesus Unfiltered
Jesus Unfiltered
At the heart of Mark’s Gospel is the question of Jesus’ identity. In fact, at the centre of the Gospel is Jesus’ question to the disciples of, “who do you say I am?” (cf. Mark 8:29). In Jesus’ eyes, that’s the question that he wants his disciples to be able to answer. It’s also the question that Jesus wants us to be able to answer, too.
But how can we come to a conclusion about who Jesus is? The best way is through the lens of the most reliable accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. That’s precisely what we’ll be doing in this series in the Gospel of Mark.
Throughout the series, I would love to encourage you to suspend what you think you know about Jesus and compare it to what the Gospel of Mark claims. It’s clear right from the beginning, that Jesus and those who first followed him, did not think he was just a man, healer, teacher, or spiritual guru, but that he was both the Messiah and God. Who do you say that Jesus?