August 9, 2020

Mark: Jesus #Unfiltered - Healer

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Mark 2:1-12

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: Is there anything for which you need to ask God’s forgiveness?

How can you demonstrate God’s forgiveness on your frontlines this week?


  1. What are some of the common conclusions that people make about who Jesus is today?

READ Mark 3:1-11

  1. What have been the claims and actions of Jesus so far in the Gospel of Mark?
  2. Who was plotting to kill Jesus? Is it strange that these two groups of people would come together?
  3. Do you find the plot to kill Jesus surprising? What had driven them to pursue such a course of action?
  4. Who had come to see Jesus after he withdraws? What’s significant about where people come from?
  5. Why do you think it was possible for people to have so many radically different ideas about who Jesus is? Do you see that diversity of ideas about Jesus on your various frontlines?

READ Mark 3:20-35

  1. What are the two theories about the identity of Jesus is in this section? Do you think these stack up?
  2. Why do you think Jesus answers these two ideas with a parable? What is a parable?
  3. What is the point of verses 24-26 of the parable? What does Jesus mean by “if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand”?
  4. In verses 27-28, who is the strong man in the parable? How is Jesus pointing to himself as the stronger man who will set the captives free? What have been the clues already that Jesus will defeat evil?
  5. How is Jesus the Stronger One? How will Jesus ultimately defeat evil? When will evil be destroyed?
  6. How is Jesus, through the cross, the ultimate healer?
  7. Have you every been worried about verse 28? What does it actually mean to ‘blaspheme against the Holy Spirit’? Why was Jesus speaking this word of warning to those who were present?
  8. How do you react when you hear verses 31-35? How serious is it that Jesus’ family thought that he was ‘out of his mind’? How does the inclusion of this information add to the reliability of the Gospels?
  9. What did Jesus mean by ‘whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother’?
  10. How is this an incredible promise to all who follow Jesus, especially regarding his unconditional love?

APPLY: How does Jesus being the Strongest One shape the way you approach at least one particular challenge this week?

Heavenly Father, we thank you so much that Jesus did not just come simply to teach, but to defeat the powers of sin, evil, and death. We thank you that Jesus is not only the Stronger One but that he is the Strongest One! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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