Tuesday, April 29, 2025

Ridley Certificate: Apologetics

St Bart's Training Centre
St Bart's Toowoomba
103 Stenner St, Middle Ridge
April 29, 2025 7:00 PM
St Bart's Training Centre
The Ridley Certificate is for those who want to go deeper, ask questions, learn more, and grow in their knowledge of the Bible. These courses are designed by Ridley College in Melbourne.

Next Subject: Apologetics

When Christian beliefs come under attack, it is easy to become defensive or doubtful in response. Presented by seasoned apologists, including NT Wright, John Lennox and Australia’s John Dickson, this subject explores thoughtful answers to challenging questions, providing participants with critical arguments to both promote and defend the reasonable nature of the Christian faith. Questions tackled include: How trustworthy are the Gospel records? Hasn’t science disproved Christianity? What difference does Christianity really make?

What Should I Expect?

The evening starts at 7pm and consists of a 20 minute lecture, a short time of small group discussion, a short break, and then another lecture before some time for discussion. The cost for the 6 weeks is $10 in total.

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