Saturday, March 8, 2025

Equipping the Saints Ministry Conference

St Bart's Training Centre
St Bart's Toowoomba
103 Stenner St, Middle Ridge
March 8, 2025 8:30 AM
St Bart's Training Centre

Every follower of Jesus has a role to play in the building up of Christ’s Church.

This new one-day conference is for everyone, whether you are currently a member of a team or just interested in exploring different areas of ministry. We’re delighted that Mike Bird from Ridley College (Melbourne) will also be joining us.

Program & Cost

The day will commence at 8.30AM with tea and coffee, followed by opening worship and our keynote from the Rev'd Dr Mike Bird on Ephesians 4. You can choose three electives from a total of twelve that aim to practically equip people. There is also opportunity to connect with others as we share morning tea and lunch (provided).

This event is ideal for leaders of parishes, those involved in specialist roles, or anyone who serves in the life of their local church. Everyone is welcome.

  • Adults $40
  • Concessions $30
  • Youth (High School Aged): $10


We have a range of electives to choose from (each is 75 minutes long) in four streams presented by a range of speakers. You can select electives from any stream but must choose one from each time slot.

Presenters include:

  • The Rev'd Dr Mike Bird & Naomi Bird: Mike is Deputy Principal and Lecturer in Theology at Ridley College in Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of over thirty books. Mike is married to Naomi and they’ll be presenting an elective together.
  • Bishop Daniel Abot: Daniel is the Resource Church Specialist for Ethnic Congregations in the Anglican Church Southern QLD. His role is to help support ethnic congregations within the diocese, resource them, and help raise up leaders. He is married to Rachel and they have seven children.
  • Hong Suk Lee: Hong Suk Lee is the Korean Ministry Coordinator here at St Bart’s. Married to the lovely May (Seihee) and they have two delightful children. Hong is passionate about sharing God’s grace and love with others, and connecting with the Asian community here in Toowoomba.
  • The Rev'd Adam Lowe: Adam has served as the Senior Minister of St Bart’s for over 11 years. His role focuses on: teaching, vision, and leadership. Adam is passionate about biblical preaching, growing leaders, serving the local church, making disciple-making disciples, and multiplying church-planting communities.
  • Amy Norman: Amy is the Director of Discipleship and Training at St Bart’s. Her role focuses on helping people to take a next step in following Jesus, especially through our newcomer and discipleship pathways. She’s passionate about equipping people for all of their frontlines.
  • Bettrys Lowe: Bettrys is Director of Children, Youth, and Families at St Bart's. Her role focuses on curriculum development (0-18 years), leading SBK, reaching families, and being part of the Chapel team at TAS. Bettrys is a qualified teacher and loves finding creative ways to help children know and love Jesus.
  • Greg Dickman: Greg is the leader of Engine Room Prayer at St Bart’s. He is now retired after a career in education and the public service. Greg (and his wife) love serving the local church and have learnt to look to God for the answers to many of the inevitable challenges and conflicts that can arise within life and leadership.
  • Hannah Le Dilly: Hannah is the Early Childhood Coordinator here at St Bart’s. Hannah is married to Matt with their two beautiful children. Hannah has a passion for little people to know Jesus and will often be seen on a Sunday morning surrounded by the youngest members of the congregation.

Keynote GuestSpeaker: The Rev'd Dr Mike Bird

Mike is Deputy Principal and Lecturer in Theology at Ridley College in Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of over thirty books including Evangelical Theology, Seven Things I Wish Christians Knew About the Bible, Romans (SGBC), The Gospel of the Lord: How the Early Church Wrote the Story of Jesus, What Christians Ought To Believe, and with N.T. Wright, The New Testament in its World. He enjoys tennis, reading, and red wine. He is married to Naomi and they have four children.

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