Life Together
January 12, 2020

Life Together - Grow

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Luke 8:4-15

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT:  How can you best prepare to gather each Sunday together?

WARM-UP  Question

  1. Have you ever had something in your life that you just couldn’t let go of? Was that a good or bad thing?
  2. What are some things which can distract you in conversations, reading, or listening in church?

READ Luke 8:4-10

  1. Since Jesus was already gaining popularity at the time, why did he tell this parable?
  2. If you were to tell this parable to your friends who aren’t yet Christians, what do you think their response
  3. would be?
  4. What does it mean for us to let our ears hear? How is this different to the physical act of hearing noise?
  5. What rhythms or patterns do you find helpful in preparing your heart to hear the Word of God? In what way could you improve this? Does this always have to be by ourselves?
  6. Why did Jesus speak in parables? What is the importance of hearts being open to receive God’s Word?

READ Luke 8:11-15

  1. If you had to explain this parable shortly and succinctly to someone who asked you, what would you say? What are the four key scenarios that threaten our hearing and reception of God’s Word?
  2. What is the danger in having a heart that is hard to God’s Word? How can we make sure we don’t have hearts that are hardened?
  3. Have you known anyone who has responded to the Gospel in a way similar to the seed sewn in the rocks? How is it dangerous to have a faith with no roots?
  4. Why doesn’t the seed sewn among the thorns grow? What are some which stop our growth?
  5. Are we ever in danger in responding to God’s Word in these ways? In your life what are some of the
  6. specific things that can make your heard hard, faith shallow, or growth stunted?
  7. What is the alternative to these responses? What does it look like to have a ‘noble and good heart’ and to retain the word? How is this different to just trying harder?
  8. Specifically, what can help you hold fast to God’s Word?

APPLY: What are some of the opportunities that you can take up to further grow in 2020?

Almighty God, we thank you that you have spoken to us through your Word and that your Word is clear, alive, and active. Help us to to hear the Word, resist worldly temptations, and persevere in it. Transform our hearts to make them always receptive to your encouragement, teaching, rebuking, and ultimately your grace shown to us in Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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