Jeremiah Series Overview

October 8, 2023

The Rev'd Adam Lowe

Jeremiah was a priest and prophet serving in the final dark decades of the southern kingdom of Judah. God called Jeremiah to warn Israel (and the nations) of God’s coming judgement in light of their breaking of the covenant with injustice and idolatry. Their disobedience will lead to their destruction. Despite Jeremiah’s warnings, the people of Israel fail to turn back from their wayward ways—instead persisting in their allegiance to other gods, an abandoning of God’s Word, and violation of God’s covenant. As God’s judgement comes through the force of Babylon, Israel is sent into exile. Despite their wayward ways, God has not abandoned his people! There is a future hope in which God’s people will return to their land, God will write his laws on their hearts, all nations will come to recognise him as Lord, and God’s King will come. With words of God’s justice and hope for God’s people and the nations, Jeremiah pierces the heart, challenges our consciences, and promises lasting hope.

Jeremiah Series Overview
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