Why Christmas?
December 12, 2021

Why Christmas? Joy that Completes

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
John 16:16-33

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: What one thing will help you to better celebrate Christmas this year?


  1. What do you think is the difference is between happiness and Christian joy?
  2. Do you know a Christian who has been a great example of joy amidst challenge?

Read John 16:16-22 (Parting is Temporary)

  1. Why do you think the disciples were so confused? What would they have been feeling?
  2. What did Jesus mean by saying he must go but that they would see him ‘in a little while’?
  3. What image does Jesus compare our present sufferings with? What does he mean by this?
  4. Who can take away our joy? How should this be a source of great comfort and confidence?
  5. What most is troubling you? How can Jesus’ resurrection and return be a source of joy for you?
  6. As we await Jesus’ return, how does our future joy impinge upon today in the power of the Spirit?

Read John 16:23-28 (Present Relationship)

  1. What does Jesus mean in verse 23? Does this mean God will give us anything we ask for?
  2. How should praying in Jesus’ name cause us to come to God in both humility and confidence?
  3. Through Jesus, with what type of intimacy are we grafted into relationship with God?
  4. How can you experience intimacy with God more readily and more frequently?

Read John 16:29-33 (Permanent Victory)

  1. What is meant by the disciples' joy being complete? What would it look like for your joy to be complete in and through Jesus?
  2. Why - even in the inevitably of facing trouble - should the disciples ‘take heart’? Why should we?
  3. What should you be asking of God this advent? Would what it look like to pray confidently this Christmas in accordance with what motivates God?

Apply How can the depth of joy in Jesus transform one trouble that you’re currently experiencing?

Gracious Father, we thank you that it is because of Jesus that we may know joy through all in the power of the Holy Spirit. Please help us to know your joy and share it with the world. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: It is not too late for a last minute invite to Carols. Who would want to miss a night of glowsticks & joy?!

Listen, Watch, and Read:          

Series Resources:

Some helpful resources for our Series:

Grow as Families

Each week St Bart’s Kids and CHARGE Youth provides resources for you to use at home. Join the livestream and then spend 30 minutes to work through these together.

Families: Read, Chat, Do, and Pray

High School: CHARGE Discussion Questions

Kids’ Talk: Watch the Kids’ Talk

eBook: Watch the eBook

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