Who Am I?
July 14, 2024

Who Am I? Looking to Self: My Story?

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
2 Corinthians 5:16-21

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

Connect Continue or begin the practice of praying to God each day. You might incorporate John Stott’s prayer: “Holy Spirit, I pray that this day you will fill me with yourself and cause your fruit to ripen in my life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Amen.” 


  1. What is ‘identity’? What do you think are the main sources of identity in our culture?
  2. Has there been a change—over time—in what has shaped your identity?

Read 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

  1. What is some of the advice that you’ve heard (perhaps even given) about the importance of looking inward in order to find your identity, purpose, and meaning? (e.g., be true to yourself)
  2. In what way are we sometimes under pressure to make identity a ‘do it yourself’ project?
  3. If (culturally) we bear the responsibility to shape our identity, how do we also face the consequences?
  4. What is the primary way Paul implores us to understand who we are? What does ‘in Christ’ mean?
  5. How is being ‘in Christ’ all-encompassing, life-giving, permanent, and transformational? How have you experienced being in Christ as life-giving and transformative?
  6. Why is a sense of belonging to self (instead of belonging to God) so perilous? What do you think are the common blockers that prevent people from looking outward to God for their identity?
  7. What is baptism? How is baptism a visual demonstration that we are in Christ?
  8. Where in these verses does Paul indicate that Christians have a newness? What does it mean that we are a new creation and that the old has gone and the new is here? Are we still ourselves?
  9. How does Paul make it clear that those in Christ have been reconciled to God? How did God make this reconciliation possible? Why was it necessary and how is it possible for people to be reconciled?
  10. What is God’s Story? Why is it the best story? In what way has God ‘written us into’ his story?
  11. As followers of Jesus, what ministry of God do we share in? What is this message?
  12. How do you think the ministry of reconciliation, as Christ’s ambassador, is reflected in your life? How could you pray more intentionally to reflect this ambassadorship as a key part of your life?
  13. Is it unhealthy to grow in some sense of self-awareness? What is the difference between understanding yourself better and looking inward for your ultimate sense of identity?
  14. Do you ever feel a ‘disconnect’ between your life and your identity in Christ? What might help to ‘close’ the gap’ (and how might the group be an encouragement and support.)
  15. What gives you confidence that you belong to Jesus? How is that evident in your life?

Apply What is one way this week you can more proactively reflect that you are Christ’s ambassador?

Gracious God, please help us to look to you, live for you, and proclaim your Good News. May our relationship with you be the basis for our identity and our hope. Amen
Going deeper resources

On Your Front Line this Week

Who are three people you could invite to join you for the Public Lecture (Friday 26 July)? Register here: stbarts.com.au/publiclecture 

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