Who Am I?
September 1, 2024

Who Am I? Looking to Self: Am I My Treasure?

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
James 5:1-11

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

Connect What are three things you will create or make this week? Try praying and dedicating each to God,
and asking for Jesus’ help.
1. Why do you think money is such a common idol in our culture? Are you ever susceptible?
2. How can wealth be both a source of satisfaction/security and the substance of our identity?
3. Is money inherently good or bad? Why is it our relationship with wealth that matters?
Read James 5:1-64. Does anything surprise or stand out to you in this passage? Share with the group.
5. Who is James directing these words to? Why should we also heed what James is saying?
6. What is the primary cause of James’ concern? What have his listeners forgotten?
7. According to James, can you identify key reasons why wealth makes a poor substitute for God?
8. How do you think remembering—all that we have comes from God and Jesus is returning—helps us to
make wise decisions about how we accumulate and disperse financial resources entrusted to us?
9. Who is verse 6 about? How was money linked to the betrayal of Jesus?
Read James 5:7-11
10. Why is it good news for the poor, especially those who have been oppressed, that Jesus is returning?
11. In what way do farmers live in patient dependence? What does this teach us about how we should live?
12. What are some practical things that you have had to figure out about what it looks like to live in
dependence on God when it comes to finances? Are there things you are yet to consider?
13. How does holding wealth lightly—and trusting in God firmly—enable real freedom and security?
14. Have there been people in your life who have been good examples of what it looks like to live in
faithful dependence? What was it about their life that really stood out to you?
Read Matthew 19:16-22
15. What is the question that the man goes to Jesus with? Why did Jesus suggest that the man should give
up all that he had and give it away to the poor? Was Jesus saying we need to earn our salvation?
16. What was Jesus exposing about the man’s relationship with wealth? Why was this so perilous?
17. What is the one treasure that is truly worth pursuing? How is Jesus the only true anchor for our identity?
18. How does the generosity of God inspire you to be more generous with your resources?
19. What helps you to focus less on accumulating material things and more on generosity?
What is one way this week you can depend on God more in relation to wealth?

Gracious God, please shine a light on our hearts, to expose on what we truly depend, that we might live in dependence on you and deploy our everything for you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Front Line this Week

What relationships would benefit from the patience of Jesus this week?

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