Who Am I?
July 21, 2024

Who Am I? Looking to Self: Am I My Personality?

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
1 Peter 4:7-11

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

Connect What is one way this week you can more proactively reflect that you are Christ’s ambassador?


  1. Have you ever completed a ‘personality type’ style of profile? Did you learn something about yourself?
    (If you haven’t,
    how would someone who knows you really well describe your personality?)
  2. What are the limitations of these tools? How might they be helpful? Why does personality matter?

Read 1 Peter 3:7-11

  1. What does Peter say is ‘near’? What does he mean by this? How then are we to respond with our lives?
  2. According to Peter, how much diversity is there in the gifts that God has entrusted to his people? How does Peter make it clear that any gift we have is both from God and for God’s purposes?
  3. When you think of ‘gifts’ that God has given us as individuals, what are the types of things that you most often think about? Have you ever considered your personality a gift from God?
  4. Do you think our culture ‘rewards’ certain personality traits more than others? Do you think there is an ‘ideal’ personality type that God prefers? Do you find some personality types more challenging?
  5. Can you think of a situation in which an aspect of your personality could be a sign of God’s grace?
  6. If God himself is one but three persons, how then might our diversity be a reflection of the image in which we are made? 
  7. How does sin affect even our personalities? Do you have any examples of how you’ve witnessed that?
  8. How can our individual differences be a source of both pride and jealousy?
  9. What are the parts of your personality that you most like? What are the parts you find more difficult?
  10. When we become followers of Jesus, does he give us a whole new personality? How have you witnessed the Spirit at work shaping/renewing various dimensions of your personality over time?
  11. Is there part of your personality that you think least reflects the fruit of the Spirit? What could be a helpful next step to work with the Spirit’s work in your life?

Read Revelation 7:9-10

  1. What are the features that stand out to you in this future that we are promised?
  2. What are the aspects of diversity that are present? Who saves us and in whom are we unified?
  3. Is there any particular setting in which you get a glimpse of the way that diversity can be life-giving?
  4. What is one area of your personality that you struggle to see how it could be of use to God? If you have time (and you feel comfortable doing so), the group might like to offer some suggestions.

Apply What is the most prominent aspect of your personality? In what way can this be expressed unhelpfully? How do you think the Spirit is shaping this aspect more in light of his fruit?

Gracious God, please help us to look to you, live for you, and proclaim your Good News. May our relationship with you be the basis for our identity and our hope. Amen
Going deeper resources

On Your Front Line this Week

Who are three people you could invite to join you for the Public Lecture (Friday 26 July)? Register here: stbarts.com.au/publiclecture 

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