Connect Consider one way you view or use your body that is not for God. Ask God to help you change (you also might find it helpful to share this with a friend).
- Do you enjoy spending time with your family?
- How did your family influence your choices and your sense of identity?
Read Matthew 12:46-50
God’s Children
- How does the Bible affirm that we are God’s children? What role does grace and faith play?
- What does it mean to be adopted children of God? How does the Roman practice of adoption shape our identity as God’s family? How can we be part of God’s family and our earthly family?
- Can you confidently say that you are a child of God?
Brothers and Sisters in Christ
- Why do Jesus’ mother and brothers want to speak with him? How does Jesus define family?
- What are some of the ways we can describe our relationship with Jesus?
- What is special about being brothers and sisters of Jesus?
- How does being brothers and sisters of Jesus shape our relationship with other Christians?
- How does being a brother or sister in Christ influence how we see ourselves in comparison to others?
- Can you confidently say that you are a brother or sister of Jesus?
God’s Family Forever
- What is the difference between Best Friends Forever (BFF) and being God’s Family Forever (GFF)?
- What does it mean to be “heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ” (Rom 8:17)?
- What is our promised inheritance?
- What are our responsibilities as members of God’s family?
- How can we love our brothers and sisters as Jesus has loved us?
- How does being part of God’s family influence the way we view and live out our relationships in our biological family?
- Read Romans 12:9-18. How does this shape our life together as God’s family?
- How can our life as God’s family be a witness to others?
Apply How can you express love “with actions and in truth” within God’s family this week?