Satisfied Series
September 26, 2021

What Would Jesus Say: To The Satisfied?

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Luke 12:13-21

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: How can we live in such a way that refreshes the spirit of our leaders and our brothers and sisters in Christ?


  1. If you were to ask the people on your frontlines who aren’t followers of Jesus what they thought being satisfied looked like, what do you think they would say?
  2. How would you define satisfaction?

Read Ecclesiastes 2:4-11

  1. What did satisfaction look like before the fall? How does the fall impact our relationship with creation and even our satisfaction?
  2. What is the one thing that all created things have in common because of the fall?
  3. Why wasn’t the writer of Ecclesiastes satisfied with all the possessions that he had amassed?
  4. Why won’t we ever find satisfaction in created things without any reference to the creator?
  5. Can we ever be at risk of attempting to find satisfaction in created things? What in particular? How could we keep ourselves from this?

Read Luke 12:13-21

  1. How does this man’s question reveal the condition of his heart? How does Jesus respond?
  2. What does Jesus say to the satisfied or to those pursuing earthly satisfaction? What’s the danger that he is warning us about?
  3. What is the, already, rich man’s problem? What is his solution? What is his more significant problem?
  4. How does God respond to this man’s arrogance? Why is this man a fool?
  5. If we aren’t to find satisfaction in earthly things, where can we find satisfaction?
  6. Read Luke 12:32-34. What is in store for this who have their trust in Jesus? How has this been made possible? Can we return to satisfaction as it was before the fall?
  7. Until Jesus comes again, how can we be satisfied even while living in a fallen world? Who could we tell of this on our frontlines?

APPLY:  Is there anyone on your frontline that needs to hear of the eternal satisfaction of Jesus?

Gracious God, thank you that you that you created a good creation and for us to be in relationship with you. We are sorry for when we sin against you and attempt to find satisfaction in your creation rather than you. Thank you for the eternal satisfaction that has been made available in the Gospel. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: Who are the other Christians on your frontline? Do you pray together for the people and activities on your frontline?

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