February 23, 2020

The King in Jerusalem - The Heart of the Matter

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Matthew 22:15-23:15

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT:  How can you rejoice in knowing of your invitation into the Kingdom this week?

WARM-UP  Question  

  1. Have you ever known someone who, no matter what you said or did, seemed intent on not liking you?  

READ Matthew 22:15-22:40

  1. At the beginning of this section, who do the Pharisees take with them to Jesus? 
  2. What is the intent with which the Pharisees go to Jesus? How did they think they would achieve that?
  3. Can you provide a quick summary of three questions that the various groups pose to Jesus? How about a summary of the responses that Jesus provides?
  4. Do you think that there was any way that Jesus could have answered these questions in a satisfactory way that would have ‘won’ them over? Why or why not?
  5. Bringing our questions before God can be part of a healthy relationship with him, however, do you think that we’re ever in danger of just trying to ‘entrap’ God? Have you ever tried to do this?
  6. Is there anyone you know who, despite having lots of questions about Jesus, actually doesn’t seem open to shifting from their pre-conceived view? What would be the best way to help them?

READ Matthew 22:41-45

  1. Whose son did the Jews expect the Messiah to be? What do they mean by this?
  2. What Psalm is Jesus quoting here? In what way does the Psalm suggest that the Messiah will actually be greater than David? If that’s the interpretation, who is Jesus therefore claiming to be?
  3. Whilst we can have lots of interesting questions about God, why is the question relating to Jesus’ identity so critical? How can we help people focus on Jesus rather than ‘secondary’ issues?
  4. Why do you think that people didn’t dare ask any more questions of Jesus?

READ Matthew 23:1-12

  1. What is Jesus suggesting was really the problem the religious leaders?
  2. Do you think that we can every be guilty of wanting to ‘look the part’ as a follower of Jesus but not actually be genuine of heart? How can we guard against this?
  3. Re-read verses 11 and 12. Why is having a humble heart so important when we come before God?
  4. How can having arrogant or closed hearts actually prevent us from seeing the truth?

APPLY: What helps you cultivate a humble heart before God?

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the truth of you Jesus is. Please soften our hearts towards you, that we might see Jesus for who he really is, rather than who we expect him to be. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: Bring someone along to our Pancake party, Tuesday 6:30-7:30pm. It’ll be a fun and casual night for adults and kids.



Other Helpful Resources (For Series):  

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