March 22, 2020

The King in Jerusalem - Good and Faithful Servant

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Matthew 25:14-30

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT:  What is one priority this week shaped by the coming return of Jesus?

WARM-UP  Question  

  1. At any point in your life, have you ever known someone who was incredibly talented, but never put their talent to work? How did that make you feel?
  2. Have you known someone who appears unassuming in talent or ability, but actually uses their gifts incredibly for God? Why is God’s idea of talent different to the world’s understanding?
  3. How do you think God feels when we don’t put to use the talent that he has given us?

READ Matthew 25:14-18

  1. What does it mean in verse 14 that the master ‘entrusted’ his talents to the servants?
  2. Why do you think it is often hard for us to identify the ‘talent’ that God has given us? 
  3. What do you think is the biggest talent that God has given to you?
    If you can’t identify the biggest talent God has entrusted to you, who could help you identify it?
  4. How can we more actively help each other to determine, use, and grow our God-given gifts? (Especially consider how you might do that as a small group.)
  5. What does it mean to you that God has trusted you with the Gospel and some very valuable talents? How do you see those talents being exercised? Where might there be more opportunities to ‘put them to work’ for God especially in the current challenges that we’re experiencing?
  6. What are the biggest blocks to putting your talents to work? Why is fear a dangerous motivator?
  7. How are the servant’s responses similar to how people respond today?

READ Matthew 25:19-30

  1. Was the master was being harsh with his servant? Why? Does this mean that we earn our salvation?
  2. As we put our talents to work, what helps you guard against slipping into a ‘works-righteousness’? 
  3. In verses 21 and 23, what does it mean for the servants to be put in charge of many things? How about sharing in their master’s happiness? What does it mean for us to share in that happiness?
  4. As a community right now, what should be the priorities of how we use our talents?

APPLY: What are three talents that God has entrusted you with? What are the opportunities you have each day to use them in anticipation of Jesus’ return?

Loving God we thank you for entrusting us with so many gifts. Please help us, in the power of your Spirit, to use them faithfully for you. Please give us a healthy sense of anticipating your return, that we might be urgently motivated to use our gifts for your Kingdom purposes. Help us to help others to see and use their gifts too. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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