March 8, 2020

The King in Jerusalem - Destruction and Deception

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Matthew 24:15-28

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT:  What is one way in which your certainty of Jesus’ return shapes your priorities?

WARM-UP  Question  

  1. What possessions do you think most people find comfort in? What is the problem with finding comfort in material possessions?
  2. If you were to drive from Toowoomba to Brisbane, what are some obvious signs that you just can’t miss? Why is it important that these signs aren’t hidden or in secret?

READ Matthew 24:15-21

  1. What did the ‘abomination that causes desolation’ as foretold by Daniel refer to? What event in history could Jesus have been predicting in these verses?
  2. Why do you think the disciples were warned to flee when these things were to happen?
  3. Jesus also tells them to leave everything behind, possibly because they would slow them down but
  4. what else does this tell us about the value or comfort of their possessions?
  5. In the light of the return of Jesus and in the face of great distress, where should we find our ultimate comfort and value?
  6. These verses are quite harrowing and can be distressing. What hope is there for those who were in this torment? What is our hope in the face of suffering? Who can we turn to when we are in distress?

READ Matthew 24:22-28

  1. What does verse 22 tell us about who is in control of these days? How do we see his mercy here?
  2. Can you think of times in history where leaders have tried to rise up on the back of suffering?
  3. What were the disciples told about false messiahs and prophets? How are we to treat false messiahs, prophets or false teaching, even when apparent signs and wonders may accompany them?
  4. How can we avoid deception? What can we turn to help us test teaching that we may think is deceptive?
  5. When Jesus returns, how will he come? Will it be possible to miss his return?
  6. Instead of trying to find comfort in false messiahs or dates predicting Jesus’ return, where should we find our ultimate hope and comfort?

APPLY: What is one way in which you can rest in the certainty of King Jesus’ return?

Sovereign Lord, thank you that you are on the throne and that you are sovereign over all. In times of trial, help us to turn to you, in the face of deception, help us to stand firm in your Word. As we await Jesus’ return, give us peace, rest, hope, and comfort, knowing that he will come again. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week:  Is there someone on your frontline who might be interested in finding out more about Jesus? Introducing Jesus is a simple 4-week course that could be a great starting point. Contact Amy if you are interested.

For Families: Try watching one of the Bible Project videos together.



Other Helpful Resources (For Series):  

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