Connect In what way are you a waymaker for Jesus—through both your life and witness? Consider HOW you are preparing for Jesus’ return and WHO you are preparing for Jesus’ return?
- What is the most elaborate birth announcement that you have heard of?
Read Luke 2:1-12
- Who was ruling the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus’ birth? Why do you think Luke includes this detail? Why is it more than just background information?
- Why was a census used? What was the impact on the people (particularly Mary and Joseph)?
- What does the angel first announce to the shepherds?
- Why is the town of David significant? (Hint: Read Psalm 132)
- Why was the announcement of the Messiah significant? What type of Messiah were the people expecting?
- Who is this good news for? What will be the result of the good news?
- What do you think about the news that there is one, ultimate king? How does that impact your life?
- Why do you think people find it difficult to accept God is in charge? Why is this good news?
- Why were the shepherds surprising people to announce this news to? What does this tell us about God?
Read Luke 2:13-21
- Who did the company of angels praise? Why was the cause of their praise?
- What type of peace do you think those under Roman rule longed for?
- What type of peace do you long for?
- Who brings peace? How does he bring peace?
- How do the circumstances around Jesus’ birth point to the different kind of kingdom he brings?
- What did the shepherds do immediately after the angels left them?
- When did you first check out the details of Jesus’ life? How are you helping others to check it out?
- Have you ever found it difficult to share your faith in Jesus? What makes it hard? What might help?
- How is your day to day life shaped by praise of Jesus? How might this grow in the lead up to Christmas?
Apply How might you help others on your frontline check out the claim that Jesus is God’s King, and the Saviour of all?