August 19, 2018

Romans: The World Needs the Gospel

The Rev'd David Browne
Romans 3:1-20

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

WARM-UP Questions

  1. Are people fundamentally good or bad? Why do you think this is the case?
  2. What do you think is the hardest thing for non-Christians to understand about Christians?

Read Romans 3:1-8

  1. Who is Paul addressing in this passage? What are the objections that he deals with here?
  2. In what ways had the Jews been ‘entrusted with the words of God’?
  3. What are our modern-day objections to faith?
  4. How would you respond to someone who said something like: “I’m saved by grace through faith, so it doesn’t matter what I do with my life, because God loves me for who I am not what I do”?
  5. In v.8 Paul says, “their condemnation is just!” What do you think he means by this?
  6. What can we learn about dealing with people’s objections to the Gospel from this passage?

Read Romans 3:9-18

  1. How do you feel about Paul’s claim that all are under sin? Why do you feel that way?
  2. In v.2 Paul seems to say Jews have an advantage but in v.9 he seems to say Jews have no advantage over Gentiles. What do you make of this?
  3. Verses 10-18 are quotations from different Psalms with a quotation from Isaiah thrown in for good measure. Why do you think Paul uses the Jewish scriptures in this way? What is he trying to prove?
  4. What are the effects of sin on our world? How does sin affect your thoughts, life, and relationships?
  5. What are the consequences of sin in v.16-18?
  6. Why is sin a problem? Why can’t God just forgive us and get over it?

Read Romans 3:19-20

  1. Is there anyone in the world who doesn’t need the Gospel? What impact should this have on our lives?
  2. How could you talk about God to a neighbour who felt they didn’t need God because they’re good?
  3. How can a biblical understanding of ‘sin’ inform the way we think about and treat people around us?

APPLY (this week): How can you ‘run to Jesus’ this week and remind yourself of our universal need for Jesus to save us?

Saving God, thank you that you do not treat us as our sins deserve. Thank you that you are gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. Please help us to have compassion on our neighbours, to love like you love, and never forget our need for your forgiveness in our lives. Holy Spirit would you help us to flee from sin and run to Christ, this day and every day. Amen.

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