September 30, 2018

Romans: The Law and Sin

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Romans 7:7-25

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

WARM-UP Questions

  1. Do you remember (from the sermon) what causes so much debate about this section in Romans?
  2. When you encounter parts of the Bible that are difficult, what is your motivation and method to persist?

Read Romans 7:7-13

  1. According to these verses, what are the purposes of the law? Does this mean that the law is sin (in and of itself) or is it good? How so?
  2. As Christians, what law and teaching does Jesus instruct us to obey? What do you find most difficult? In what area have you seen the most growth in your life?
  3. When has been a time in your life in which God’s Word has both SHOWN and CONVICTED you of sin? In what way, knowing what sin is, does the law provoke more sin in our lives?
  4. How is it possible for sin to hijack law? Have you known this to be true? How was it true in the garden?

Read Romans 7:14-25

  1. Have you ever tension like Paul, doing the very things you do not want to do? If comfortable, please share an aspect of this with the group.
  2. How can we all be of encouragement to one another as we seek to fight this battle?
  3. Because we await being completely free from sin when we are physically resurrected, does this mean that we should give up on resisting sin today?
  4. How does recognising that we live in ‘in-between’ times help us amidst this battle?
  5. Why is relying on our own performance such a perilous path to take?
  6. What does Paul mean when he calls himself “wretched”? Why is recognising our wretchedness actually a good and honest thing to do?
  7. When we recognise our inability to meet God’s standards, and the battle of sin that we cannot win, what should that cause us to do?
  8. How is Jesus the ultimate rescuer? What does it look like to continually put our trust in him?
  9. As you look at the entirety of this chapter, what most strikes you? What do you most identify with?

APPLY (this week): As you face the reality of living in the tension of sin yet also desiring to follow God’s ways, what is your source of strength?

Gracious Father, we are so sorry for the sin in our lives that reflects a disobedience to you. Please help us to submit our entire lives to your rule, seeking to live in accordance with your Word, that our lives might be for your glory and kingdom alone. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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