September 16, 2018

Romans: Death in Adam \\ Life in Christ

The Rev'd David Browne
Romans 5:12-21

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

WARM-UP Questions

  1. What are some good things you have inherited from your parents?
  2. What are some things you’d like to pass on to future generations?

READ Romans 5:12-14

  1. What is the significance of the ‘Therefore’ in the beginning of v.12?
  2. What is the relationship between death and sin described in v.12?
  3. In v.13 Paul branches off into a clarification; where does his argument resume? What is he trying to clarify in vv.13-14?
  4. What can you say when someone asks you: “Is it fair to condemn the whole world just because Adam disobeyed?”
  5. How do you see death reigning in our world today? How can we resist death’s reign today?

READ Romans 5:15-19

  1. How does this passage compare the gift and the trespass? What are the characteristics of each?
  2. The concept of federal headship is ‘observation that as humans we often stand behind and are united with other people by one person’. Who are the two ‘federal heads’ being contrasted here?
  3. Why does Paul say in v.16 that the gift cannot be compared with the trespass?
  4. Verses 18-19 is a discussion around the obedience of Adam and Jesus. How is Jesus’ obedience to God a good thing for us?
  5. How can Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection have any impact on us today?

READ Romans 5:20-21

  1. What do you think Paul means when he writes, “The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase”?
  2. At what point in history did sin and death meet its match? How can you share this with you neighbours?
  3. How would you define the word ‘grace’ for someone who had never heard of her (pun intended) before?
  4. It’s easy to think that being a Christian is a small personal matter. How do these verses challenge this?
  5. How does life reign in Christ? Where do you see this happening around you? Where do you see life reigning at St Bart’s?

APPLY (this week): How can you embrace the life found ‘in Christ’ to the fullest this week?

Loving Lord Jesus, we thank you that while we were still sinners you died for us. Thank you that through you; life reigns. Holy Spirit please help us to treasure and revel in the reign of Christ and share its goodness with others. Amen!

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