August 14, 2022

Real Faith: Works

The Rev'd Michael Calder
James 2:14-26

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: Is there a frontline where you may be more prone to showing favouritism? How can Jesusʼ mercy for you transform how you view this situation?


  1. If someone on one of your frontlines was to ask you what the Gospel is all about, what would you tell them?
  2. Do good works ever add to our salvation in any way? Why or why not?

Read James 2:14-19

  1. What is wrong about claiming to have faith but having no action?
  2. Can you think of examples where people have claimed to have faith, but havenʼt acted on it? Are we ever in danger of this?
  3. What sort of actions or deeds does following Jesus require?
  4. Is there an area in your life where you arenʼt submitting to Jesusʼ lordship? Practically, how could you bring this area into line with Jesusʼ will and actions?
  5. How are deeds and actions a fruit of faith rather than a prerequisite to faith? Why is it so important to get this clear?
  6. Is it enough to just mentally assent to a set of doctrines or belief? What does James have to say about this type of faith?
  7. How can we ensure that we are submitting to Jesus as living sacrifices rather than just believing that ʻGod is oneʼ? Is there anyone who you could keep accountable to?

Read James 2:20-26

  1. Why was Abraham initially considered to be righteous (cf. Gen 15:6)? How did he demonstrate this faith? Is James arguing for a ʻworks based righteousnessʼ in these verses? Why/why not?
  2. Why is ʻfaith without deedsʼ considered to be dead?
  3. How are we justified? How should we demonstrate this in our lives today?

APPLY: On your frontlines, what is one practical way that you can demonstrate your faith?

Lord God, thank you that we have been saved from sin entirely by your grace and mercy. Help us to never rely on our good deeds to save us, or to worry about our amount of good works, but always be assured of our salvation in Jesus Christ. Help us to live out our faith in every area of our lives, for your glory. Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: If someone looked at your texts or emails, could they identify patience and compassion for others? Before you hit send this week, pause to consider how your words express love to others.

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