August 21, 2022

Real Faith: Speaks

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
James 3:1-12

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: On your frontlines, what is one practical way that you can demonstrate your faith?


  1. Have you ever had an embarrassing or difficult moment of saying the wrong thing?

Read James 3:1-7

  1. According to James, who will be judged more strictly for their words? How does this apply to everyone?
  2. What are the first two illustrations that James uses about the tongue? How do these point to the disproportionate effect of the tongue in determining Christian maturity?
  3. Is there a time in your life in which you have experienced the effect of words (positively or negatively) spoken to you? Is there a time in which you have helpfully held back from speaking?
  4. How can the tongue be like a spark setting a ʻgreat forest ablazeʼ? What is the visual image of hell that the original readers may have had in the mind when they read Jamesʼ description?
  5. How can technology enable our words to be spoken more rapidly, retained more permanently, and amplified more broadly? Is this good or bad? Why should this make us even more aware?
  6. Why do you think that the tongue is so hard to tame? When do you find it most difficult?
  7. If no human being alone can tame the tongue, why should we bother? What should we do?
  8. If we have been wounded by words, how is it a comfort to know that in Jesus we find the one who has had every insult heaped on him? How can we find healing as we come to Christ?

Read James 3:8-12

  1. Why is it such an issue when – with the same mouth – we praise God and curse another? (It might be helpful to explore what James means by ʻcurseʼ here.) How does James illustrate this inconsistency?
  2. When we speak, how are we making a choice to deploy words either for ourselves or for God?
  3. How can our words anticipate new creation, participate in Godʼs mission, and cooperate with the Spirit?
  4. How can you be more intentional in your use of words for God? Is there a particular circumstance or frontline in which you need to be particularly mindful?

APPLY: What is ONE way (or place) in which you need to be more careful in the use of your words? (Also: is there someone from whom you need to seek forgiveness for the use of your words?)

Gracious Father, thank you that in your grace you have trusted us with a gift so powerful as the tongue. Please help us to be ever watchful, that we might use our speech for your glory and your purposes. Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: What helpful habits/cues remind you of Godʼs interest and presence with you on your frontline? Maybe it could be saying grace before lunch or praying while driving.

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