September 11, 2022

Real Faith: Prays

The Rev'd Michael Calder
James 5:13-20

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: Identify one area in which you struggle to be patient. How does your future hope help enable you to wait?


  1. What do you think the people on your frontlines think about prayer?
  2. How has prayer helped you in your walk with Jesus?

Read James 5:13-18

  1. According to James, under what circumstances should we pray? Why is it comforting to be able to pray in times of trouble? When in any trouble, what is usually your initial response?
  2. What is the possible ʻdangerʼ of times of peace or happiness? What is the antidote to this?
  3. What is to be the main action of the elders of the community? What does the anointing represent?
  4. Is there any guarantee from this passage that the sick person will be healed in this life? How can God heal people today?
  5. When will the ultimate healing come? How is this far better than anything on this earth now?
  6. How have you experienced the effectiveness of prayer in your life?
  7. Do you ever doubt the effectiveness of prayer? Why/Why not? How could you reassure yourself that God hears our prayers?
  8. How is your prayer life at this current moment? What patterns or rhythms or people (or a combination of them all!) could help you be consistent in prayer?

Read James 5:19-20

  1. What does James call on us all to be doing in these verses? Do you feel like you could do this?
  2. If you were to see someone wondering, how might you point them back to Jesus?
  3. How is this of great comfort to you that people would be looking out for you?
  4. What has been a new or renewed learning for you from James in this series? What could help you put this into practice?

APPLY: What could help you pray more consistently and boldly this week?

Gracious Father, thank you for the amazing privilege of being your children and being able to pray to you. We are sorry for the times that we have neglected this. Please help us to be fervent in prayer and help us as a body to be looking out for one another as we grow as disciples together. We pray this in Jesusʼ Name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: Who are three people you are praying for to become followers of Jesus? Alpha could be a great next step!

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