July 31, 2022

Real Faith: Obeys

Amy Norman
James 1:19-27

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: What habits or patterns can help you keep your mind on all that we have in Christ?


  1. As Christians, why is it so important that our lives line up with what we say we believe?
  2. What do we do when we get it wrong? What helps you to keep on trying?

Read James 1:19-21

  1. What is the ʻword of Godʼ that has been planted in us? How do we ʻhumblyʼ accept it?
  2. According to James, what are the things that we should be ʻslowʼ at? Which do you find most difficult?
  3. In what ways does our culture sometimes enable – or even reward – a reluctance to listen, quick speech, and a rapid escalation of anger?
  4. What does James mean by “anger”? How is anger a problem that begins in the heart?
  5. What damage does this type of anger do? What type of fruit does this type of anger inhibit?

Read James 1:22-25

  1. Why does James claim that merely listening to the word is a form of self-deception? How does Jamesʼ illustration of the mirror highlight how foolish this really is? Why then do we struggle with it?
  2. What is the perfect law that gives freedom? How should it help shape how we act?
  3. Is there an area in your life in which you need to bring your action more closely in line with Godʼs word?
  4. When Christians do things which are not in line with what they say they believe, or fail to act in accordance with the convictions they proclaim, how does this damage the proclamation of the Gospel?

Read James 1:26-27

  1. Do you ever struggle to keep a reign on your tongue? Why is controlled speech important for Christians?
  2. Why do you think James uses the example of caring for orphans and widows?
  3. What helps you to be slow to anger and controlled in your speech? What hinders you?

APPLY: As you seek to humbly accept the word planted in you, choose one of the following areas to focus on: slow to anger; authentic action, or controlled speech. Pray for opportunity and wisdom to grow in this area this week.

Gracious Father, please help us to humbly accept the word that you have planted in us. Please especially help us to be slow to anger, authentic in action, and with controlled speech. In Jesusʼ Name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: How do people around you respond to frustration? How does following Jesus change your response?

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