July 24, 2022

Real Faith: is Steadfast

The Rev'd Michael Calder
James 1:9-18

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: What is one area of challenge that you need to seek Godʼs wisdom?


  1. If you were to ask people on your frontlines the question, “what is wrong with the world?” How do you think they would respond?

Read James 1:9-12

  1. What sort of humble circumstances is James referring to here? Where might we see this?
  2. What ʻhigh positionʼ can these people delight and take pride in? How can we have assurance that no matter our circumstances, we too share in this?
  3. How can earthly riches be dangerous to our spiritual life? What sort of ʻhumiliationʼ should the rich person take pride in? In what ways is this counter-cultural?
  4. Which group do you identify with at the moment? What practical things can help you remember all the riches that you have in Christ that are hidden at the moment?
  5. When the world sees someone under trial, how might this shape their thoughts about God? Are these inline with Godʼs character and actions or not?
  6. What practises or people have helped you persevere through trials? What is the ʻcrown of lifeʼ that is promised? While we wait for this, what comfort can we experience in this life now?  

Read James 1:13-18

  1. Where does temptation come from? Why doesnʼt God have anything to do with evil? How is this of great assurance to us?
  2. In your personal life, is there a pattern that leads to sin? What is the danger if a lifestyle of sin goes unchecked? What is the certain hope for the sinner when they repent?
  3. What type of things does God give? What things can deceive us from this?
  4. Why is it good news for us that God does not change? What does it mean for us to be a ʻfirstfruitʼ?
  5. How does seeing all the riches that we have in Christ change the way we face possessions, trials, and temptations?

APPLY: What habits or patterns can help you keep your mind on all that we have in Christ?

Gracious God, we thank you that you have saved us from death to life with you. Help us in trials and temptations to look to you for help, to ask you for wisdom, and grow in you. In Jesusʼ Name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: Have you ever asked a friend or colleague - do you think Jesus is a game changer? Maybe try it this week and invite them to the Public Lecture.

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