September 4, 2022

Real Faith: is Patient

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
James 5:7-12

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: Identify one ʻdesire withinʼ that can sometimes lead you to quarrel. Submit it to God.


  1. What are the situations in which you are most likely to be impatient?
  2. Have you had seasons in life (e.g., longings unfulfilled; hardships unresolved; questions unanswered) which have caused you to question Godʼs timing or goodness?

Read James 5:7-9

  1. What are the trials that were being experienced by some of the people to whom James wrote? How could they have been tempted to take things into their own hands?
  2. According to James, what is the main reason why we can be patient even amidst trial?
  3. What does James mean by “the Lordʼs coming”? Why is this good news?
  4. How is impatience sometimes a form of distrusting Godʼs timing or authority? Is God ever late?
  5. How does a farmer wait for the crop? How does this inform how we are to wait for Jesusʼ return?
  6. On your main frontline, what helps (or what could help) to remind you of the future hope you have?
  7. Does waiting for Jesus to return mean that we have nothing to do? What does it look like to ʻstand firmʼ?
  8. What are the various ways that our speech can be a reflection of standing firm?
  9. What does James say not to do ʻagainst one anotherʼ? What does he mean by this? Do you ever do it?
  10. How damaging is grumbling to our unity, mission, and witness?

Read James 5:10-11

  1. Why are the prophets and Job helpful examples of patience in the face of suffering? Do you know of people who have been great examples to you?
  2. Amidst suffering, how is Godʼs compassion and mercy a continuous comfort? How do you enjoy this?
  3. How has God been patient with us? How can we be certain of his compassion and mercy?
  4. What are the areas in life in which you have a tendency to rush ahead of God? What are some practical ways that you can slow down?

APPLY: Identify one area in which you struggle to be patient. How does your future hope help enable you to wait?

Gracious Father, thank you for the incredible patience that you have demonstrated to us. Thank you that – just at the right time – you sent Jesus to save us. Please help us to trust your timing and delight in your compassion and mercy. In Jesusʼ Name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: Who are three people you are praying for to become followers of Jesus? Alpha could be a great next step!

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