August 28, 2022

Real Faith: is Humble

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
James 4:1-5:6

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: What is ONE way (or place) in which you need to be more careful in the use of your words? (Also: is there someone from whom you need to seek forgiveness for the use of your words?)


  1. What issues commonly create quarrels and fights amongst Christians? What was likely happening in the communities to whom James writes?
  2. What are the effects of these conflicts? Have you ever experienced this personally? (Please donʼt feel pressure to share, but only if you feel comfortable doing so.)
  3. Do you ever get into foolish arguments? What do you think is the cause of these quarrels?

Read James 4:1-3

  1. What – according to James – is really at the heart of the problem? What does James mean by ʻdesires that battle within youʼ?
  2. What was the fruit of these desires at work? Have you ever witnessed any of these?
  3. Have you ever asked God for something with the wrong motive? How can we guard against this?
  4. What does our culture proclaim is the path to ultimate satisfaction? Do you think, as followers of Jesus, that weʼre ever tempted to buy into this? How so?

Read James 4:4-10

  1. What does James mean by calling the “adulterous” and as having “friendship with the world”?
  2. Why does this form of ʻspiritual unfaithfulnessʼ mean enmity (or opposition) against God? How can divided loyalties be an expression of working against Godʼs kingdom priorities?
  3. What is the difference of God being jealous for us rather than jealous of us? How is this good news?
  4. What gifts has God given us to bring our lives in line with his desires? How do you enjoy this?
  5. What do you think is at the heart of humbly coming to God? What has helped you with this?
  6. What are the four parts of submitting our lives to God? What do each of these mean?
  7. Is there any desire in your life (e.g., a longing, ambition, desire, resource, or time) that you need to submit to Godʼs will? How might you take a practical step towards that this week?

APPLY: Identify one ʻdesire withinʼ that can sometimes lead you to quarrel. Submit it to God.

Heavenly Father, please forgive us for the times in which our desires do not line up with what you desire. Please help us – in the power of your Spirit – to submit every part of our lives to you. In Jesusʼ Name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: What words will you say (or keep unspoken) that will point people to the patience, kindness, and love of God this week?

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