Questions Jesus Asked
March 9, 2025

Questions Jesus Asked: Follow Me?

The Rev'd Dr Mike Bird
Mark 1:16-20

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

Connect How would you like to grow in studying God’s Word?


  1. Has your life ever unexpectedly changed direction? What or who caused the change? 

Read Mark 1:16-20 

  1. What are Simon, Andrew, James, and John doing? How long do you think they’ve been in the fishing industry for? 
  2. What caused them to leave their nets? How was this different to how teachers normally operated?
  3. What is Jesus’ invitation and command to them? How do they respond? 
  4. For these disciples, what will following Jesus include in the immediate and in the long term
  5. When do you remember responding to the call of Jesus? What did that look like immediately and over the long term? 
  6. What is surprising about Jesus’ choice of disciples? Why is it comforting that Jesus is the one who calls to the disciples first? What does that mean for us?
  7. What does ‘fish for people’ mean? Does this only mean following Jesus is sharing the good news? How does following Jesus involve that and more
  8. What distinctive role did the disciples play in ‘fishing for people’? How are we different and/or similar in how they followed Jesus and ‘fished for people’?
  9. Who are the people on your frontlines (the places you spend time throughout the week) who don’t yet know and follow Jesus? What opportunities are there to invite them to meet Jesus?
  10. How would you describe to a new believer what following Jesus looks like? 
  11. What does following Jesus not look like?  
  12. What would have been the impact to Simon, Andrew, James, and John in leaving fishing? 
  13. How is following Jesus different from following our dreams or following every opportunity?
  14. Is there anything you would be scared to lose when following Jesus? 

Read Mark 10:29-31

  1. What does Jesus promise for those who follow him? What might we lose? What might we gain?
  2. Who is first and who is last in the pattern of following Jesus? Who are we imitating?
  3. How has responding to Jesus’ call changed your life?

Apply Spend time recalling and giving thanks for how Jesus has called you. Commit to praying for those on your frontlines to also respond to the call of Jesus and follow him. 

Gracious Father, we thank you for your Son Jesus, who has called us to follow him. Please by your Spirit, help us to respond faithfully to his invitation. Please open our eyes to the people on our frontlines who don’t yet know you and use us that they too will find life in following Jesus. Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline this Week

Who could you help, in the after effects of ex-tropical cyclone Alfred?

For Families

Listen, Watch, and Read

Series Resources

  • Read (book): “Lent” by Esau McCaulley 📚
  • Read (book): “Lent for Everyone (Mark)” by Tom Wright
  • Read (children’s book): “The Friend and the Traveller” by Sam Brewster & Hannah Green 📚
  • Read (devotional): Daily Lenten Devotional by Gospel in Life (Keller)
  • Pray (prayer guide): “For the Persecuted Church” by Open Doors

📚 Available to borrow in the Church library

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