July 3, 2022

Proverbs: Wisdom in Words

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Proverbs 10:11-32

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: How could you grow in your appreciation and living out of God’s wisdom this week?


  1. In the public sphere, how have you seen words build up or bring people down?
  2. Have you ever been built up by someone else's words?

Read Proverbs 10:11-14

  1. What is the mouth of the righteous likened to? What images spring to mind when you think of this? How does one become righteous?
  2. What things could we say or do (or even sing!) to provide life for others and build them up? Who could you encourage and build up this week?
  3. In contrast, what do the words of the wicked do? Have you ever been on the receiving end of things such as these? Have you ever said such things as these?
  4. What is our hope if we have sinned against others by speaking words that tore them down?

Read Proverbs 10:8; 18-24

  1. What do these verses tell us about how a wise person uses their words? How about the fool?
  2. Can you think of times on your frontlines where it is better to not say anything at all or wait to speak? What could help you in this?
  3. How does restraint in words make them all the more valuable?

Read Proverbs 10:27-32

  1. What can give us the great reassurance that we are righteous?
  2. What is in store for those who are righteous and speak words of wisdom? What about the wicked?
  3. How can we ensure that we aren’t just paying lip service to Jesus but have turned and are turning to him with our whole heart and lives? What things are a sign of this?

APPLY: How could you speak words of wisdom on your frontlines this week?

Heavenly Father, thank you that you have made us righteous by Jesus’ death and resurrection. We are sorry for the times when our lives haven’t matched this and we have been foolish in our words and actions. Help us to be wise in how we use our words to build up and to point to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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