June 26, 2022

Proverbs: Wisdom

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Proverbs 3:1-20

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

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CONNECT: Whatʼs one practical way that you can grow in your devotion to praying missionally?


  1. What is the biblical definition of wisdom?
  2. On your frontlines, what actions or values are considered as ʻwiseʼ and something to pursue? What things could you ʻaffirmʼ and what things are against the wisdom of God?

Read Proverbs 3:1-12

  1. According to the opening chapters of Proverbs, how does one begin to gain wisdom? What does this mean in practise?
  2. What sort of things is the author calling us to do in these verses and what things are the fruit of these actions?
  3. If we live according to these ways does this mean that we will live perfectly healthy and wealthy lives? Why/why not?
  4. In what times and areas of your life do you find it easy or hard to trust in the Lord? Why? How do we know that God is trustworthy?
  5. What are some ways in which we might be tempted to follow our own wisdom rather than Godʼs?
  6. What does this passage tell us about when we face hardship or discipline? Why shouldnʼt we be trying to link these with sins? Why do we face them?
  7. When life gets hard or tricky, how does this impact your relationship with God?

Read Proverbs 3:13-20

  1. If the world was to finish the following sentence, what would they add? “Blessed are those who...”
  2. What is the value of wisdom in this passage? Why does nothing of this world compare to the wisdom of God?
  3. In your life, do you value wisdom? How does this work out in practice?
  4. What is the wisest thing that a person can do?

APPLY: How could you grow in your appreciation and living out of Godʼs wisdom this week?

Loving Father, thank you that you have given us your word and your wisdom. Help us to pursue your wisdom, to fear you, to be in awe of you, and to live our lives in your wisdom. Through our lives, may people see your wisdom at work in us and come to know you. In Jesusʼ name, Amen.
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