CONNECT: This week, try to stop and go to Jesus to receive the rest he offers. Try also to share this good news of rest with someone else.
WARM-UP Question
- What is your reaction when you hear someone boasting in themselves or about their achievements? Why do you think you react that way?
- How do you react when people show weakness or vulnerabilities?
READ 2 Corinthians 11:30-12:5
- What is the context of this passage? What was Paul trying to achieve by boasting in these ways?
- How is Paul’s boast different to what we would usually boast in? Why would have this been so surprising for the Corinthians?
- In boasting about these things, what does this tell us about the source of Paul’s strength?
- In verses 2 to 3, why does Paul refer to himself in the third person? Paul could have used this vision to show how superior he is, why doesn’t he?
- In what ways can we try and boast in and draw strength from ourselves? Why is this ultimately futile? What would this show about the condition of our heart?
READ 2 Corinthians 12:6-10
- Why shouldn’t we find our strength the praise of others? What’s the difference between working for the praise of others and receiving encouragement from others?
- How could we encourage one another in such a way that keeps our eyes on Jesus and not ourselves?
- Why was Paul given a thorn in his flesh? While we aren’t told what the thorn actually was, what was the nature of this affliction?
- How did Paul react to this? What was the response of the Lord to his request?
- When we undergo pain and suffering, what should be our response? Does God ever promise to take these things away if we ask?
- When these things happen, is it bad to seek medical attention or outside council? Why not?
- What is the nature of God’s grace as mentioned in V9? How is it sufficient for us? How do we receive it?
- What’s the difference between boasting in weaknesses and actively searching them out? Where do we find our ultimate source of strength? How do we receive it?
APPLY: In what ways can you see God’s strength at work through your weaknesses?