Our Mission
January 14, 2024

Our Mission: Maturing Disciples

Amy Norman
Acts 2:42-47

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

Connect Who could you invite to the Alpha launch party this week?


  1. How important do you think maturing as disciples of Jesus is? 
  2. When was a time you significantly grew as a Christian? 

Read Acts 2:42-47

  1. What has happened immediately prior to this summary (see Acts 2)?
  2. What did the newest Christians do? What are the four activities of their gathering? How are they reflected in how our church gathers (i.e., our Sunday services) today?
  3. In what other ways did the early church meet together? Should we be doing the exact same things as the early church?
  4. How would it have felt to be part of this community? 
  5. What has been your experience of church? Have you had periods of absence/disconnection or periods of engagement?
  6. Throughout your journey of faith, who has been significant in nurturing you as a disciple? What context/community shaped them?
  7. Is being part of the church - Jesus’ body - optional? Why do you think the gathered church is the context to grow as a disciple?
  8. Who did Jesus’ promise to send when he ascended? (see Acts 1:8) How was the Spirit at work at the very beginning of the early church? Who is the Spirit given to?
  9. Have you ever tried growing as a disciple without the help of the Spirit? Why do we need the Spirit?
  10. How have you seen the Spirit at work in you in the last year? If you’re not sure, you can ask others in your Small group for insight. 

Read Acts 2:46-47

  1. How frequently were the early Christians meeting? How public was their faith?
  2. What might have been some of the challenges of publicly living out their faith in the first century? What are some of the challenges you face on your frontlines today?
  3. Does maturing as disciples means we abandon making disciples? How do both work together?
  4. How would you like to mature as a disciple this year?

Apply Take some time this week to pray and plan how you might grow in maturity in 2024. 

Gracious Father, By the power of your Spirit and your Word given to us, please shape us in the likeness of your Son, that we would grow into the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Going deeper resources
On Your Front Line this Week

What are your weekly rhythms that are growing you as a disciple? Joining a Small Group is a great start: stbarts.com.au/smallgroups

For Families
  • Download: some of the family resources to use at home: stbartskids.org
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