Our Mission
January 7, 2024

Our Mission: Making Disciples

The Rev'd Dr Daniel Rouhead
Acts 1:1-8

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

Connect Would this New Year’s Rhythm be helpful for you in 2024? How could you put it into daily practice?


  1. What is the hardest thing you’ve been asked to do?
  2. What role did other Christians play in you becoming a disciple of Jesus?

Read Acts 1:1-5

  1. Why did Luke write his two-volume set (Luke-Acts)? (see also Luke 1:1-4)
  2. What is the evidence for the truth of the resurrection? Why is the resurrection of Jesus so difficult for people to accept today?
  3. How did the disciples react to Jesus’ death? How were transformed by encountering the risen Jesus?
  4. Why did Jesus tell his disciples to wait?
  5. How did the public outpouring of the Holy Spirit signify the launch of the Church and its mission?
  6. Can we be tempted to wait and leave making disciples to others?
  7. What do we do as we wait? How are we prepared and empowered for sharing the Gospel?

Read Acts 1:6-7

  1. What did the disciples want to know? Why did they think Jesus would restore Israel at that time?
  2. What distractions did Jesus want his disciples to avoid? How would this impede their mission?
  3. What can distract us from the mission of making disciples?
  4. How do we avoid the distraction of looking for signs of Jesus’ return? How do we wait expectantly, and continue to make disciples?
  5. How can we avoid the distraction of looking inward, individually and collectively?
  6. Have you been distracted by questions about the bible or God which miss the main point of the Gospel? How have you handled that?

Read Acts 1:8

  1. What did Jesus tell the disciples to do?
  2. How can be we witnesses of Jesus? Where are we called to be witnesses?
  3. What are the challenges to making disciples in our Post-Christian and multi-cultural society?
  4. Do you feel prepared and empowered to make disciples?

Apply Who could you invite to the Alpha launch party this week?

Heavenly Father, we thank-you that you call us to make disciples, sharing who Jesus is and what he’s done. Help us to be led your Spirit, always ready to share the confidence we have in Jesus. Amen.
Going deeper resources
On Your Front Line this Week

Offering to say 'grace' at meals this week may be a short, precious opportunity to point to the gift of Jesus.

For Families
  • Download: some of the family resources to use at home: stbartskids.org
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