CONNECT: How can you shape your prayer life intentionally to reflect the return of Jesus?
WARM-UP Questions
- What do you find most challenging about prayer?
- Why do you think most people – even those whodo not believe in God – pray?
Read Matthew 6:5-6
- What is the significance of Jesus saying “when you pray” (rather than, ‘if’ you pray)?
- Do you think that we are ever in danger of having a ‘transactional’ approach to prayer? What does this look like in practice?
- How is prayer both relational and missional?
- What was really wrong with the approach of the ‘hypocrites’? What did Jesus mean when you said that they had received their ‘reward’ in full? What is the true reward for prayer?
- Why does God desire sincerity of heart when we pray? Do you think that you may ever have mixed motives when you pray? How can you be on guard about this?
- How intimate is the image of prayer that Jesus presents? What does this mean for you?
- Why did Jesus say to pray in private? What type of ‘room’ was he referencing?
- Do you set aside the space and time to pray privately? What does that look like in practice? (If you don’t currently pray in private, how might you approach it?)
- Do you think praying in private should be a priority in your life? How might you pray in private more?
Read Matthew 6:7-13
- How is our prayer life missional?
- What was the problem with the way that the pagans prayed? Do you think we can ever be in danger of falling into the same trap?
- Do you ever feel intimated by the way that other people pray? Why are Jesus’ words a great encouragement to us to pray with simplicity and focus?
- How do you think your prayer life can be more missional in focus?
- What are the key focus areas of the Lord’s prayer? How does this contrast to your normal pattern of prayer? How is it similar?
- How would you love to grow your prayer life in 2018? What is practical and achievable?
APPLY (to this week): What will be your first NEXT STEP in prayer for 2018?
PRAY: Heavenly Father, thank you for your abundant love and mercy! Thank you for calling us into your family and enabling us to participate in your mission to the world. Please help us to grow in sincerity and intimacy as we pray. Please help us to pray with a purpose that matches your will and your heart. Amen.