Joy in Christ
September 8, 2024

Joy in Christ: Gospel Affection

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Philippians 1:1-11

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

Connect What is one way this week you can depend on God more in relation to wealth?


  1. What do you think is the difference between joy and happiness? Why is joy even better?
  2. Can you think of a time when you have known joy even amidst challenging circumstances?
    Or, can you think of someone you know who seems to permeate joy no matter what?

Read Philippians 1:1-6 

  1. How often is Paul giving thanks to God for the Philippians? Why is it surprising that Paul would be so full of joyous gratitude as he writes to the Philippians?
  2. Do you think Paul’s prayerful thankfulness was spontaneous or intentional? How much is your prayer life shaped by gratitude for your brothers and sisters in Christ? How could  you grow in this?
  3. What is the partnership that Paul is thankful for? In what way are we also partners in the gospel?
  4. What is the backstory to Paul’s partnership with the Philippians (cf. Acts 16)?
  5. What does Paul mean by being confident that God will bring to completion what he has begun? 
  6. What is the basis of Paul’s confidence? How can we also share in that confidence?
  7. What is one way that you can more intentionally pray with joy for your brothers and sisters in Christ?

Read Philippians 1:7-8

  1. Why does Paul say “it is right for me to feel this way”? Why would some be surprised that he did?
  2. Where was Paul when he wrote this letter? How could he possibly know joy in this situation?
  3. What can help us to know the joy of Jesus regardless of our situation? 
  4. What does Jesus long for? When do you struggle to feel compassion for others?
  5. How might growing in our knowledge of God’s love help us to grow in our compassion for others?

Read Philippians 1:9-11

  1. What is Paul’s prayer for the Philippians? How could this prayer also shape your prayer life?
  2. How is knowledge and depth of insight linked to love abounding more and more?
  3. How does a deepening love for God grow our desire (and knowledge) to please him with our lives?
  4. If we are partners in the gospel, how should that shape our priorities and our prayer?
  5. Would you like to know Christ’s joy more? Pray that the Lord may fill you with Christ’s joy.

Apply What is one way this week—by prayer and/or priority—that you can grow your partnership in the gospel with other Christians? (Also reflect how this may nurture your joy in Christ more.)

Gracious Father, thank you for the work that you have begun in us. Please help us to grow in your joy, be transformed more in the likeness of Jesus, with a confidence that you will bring all things to completion. Amen
Going deeper resources

On Your Front Line this Week

Imagine Jesus is sitting next to you at the office. How would that change how you work?

For Families

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