Joy in Christ
September 15, 2024

Joy in Christ: Gospel Priorities

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Philippians 1:12-30

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

Connect What is one way this week—by prayer and/or priority—that you can grow your partnership in the gospel with other Christians? (Also reflect how this may nurture your joy in Christ more.)


  1. What most commonly causes you to question or reconsider your priorities? Have you ever had a time which really caused you to ‘rethink’ them?
  2. What has helped you to think through the priorities in your life? Where does the gospel fit?

Read Philippians 1:12-14 

  1. What was Paul’s situation? How could he have been tempted to consider this a distraction or pointless?
  2. Why were the Philippians possibly concerned for both Paul and their own situation?
  3. In what circumstances are you most likely to be distracted, discouraged, or perturbed in following JC?
  4. What did Paul want the Philippians to know? Could he have rejoiced even if gospel fruit wasn’t visible?
  5. How was God at work in this circumstance? How did Paul’s focus on the gospel help enable this?
  6. What do you think were the realities, relationships, and rhythms of Paul’s life that helped him press on?
  7. Which of these realities, relationships, and rhythms do we also share in? How is that encouraging?
  8. What do you think were Paul’s priorities? Do you think your life reflects the same priorities?
  9. Who has been an example to you in faithfully following no matter if going through prosperous, challenging, or more ordinary times?

Read Philippians 1:15-26

  1. What were these ‘competitors’ doing? Why could have Paul found that so difficult?
  2. In what way—despite their differences in motivation—does Paul view these people as colleagues?
  3. How does this highlight—in a costly way to Paul—that the gospel had transformed his perspective?
  4. How has the Gospel transformed your perspective on some things? What could be transformed more?
  5. What does Paul mean by saying in relation to this being his deliverance? How can challenging circumstances—especially those that press our allegiance to Jesus—actually help grow us?
  6. Why does Paul say it would be ‘better’ for him to be with the Lord? What spurs him on in the meantime?

Read Philippians 1:27-30

  1. How broad is Paul’s ‘whatever’? What circumstances would this exclude? How about for us?
  2. What does Paul mean by conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel? How do we do that?

Apply Take some time this week to consider and reconsider how prioritising the gospel should shape your life?

Heavenly Father, may the gravity of your Good News, so take a grip on our lives, that it’s power to transform our circumstances, perspective, and living, not be robbed by our prioritising of lesser things. Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Front Line this Week

How could you use food to demonstrate love to someone this week?

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