Joy in Christ
October 13, 2024

Joy in Christ: Gospel Hope

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Philippians 3:15-4:3

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

Connect How can you nurture your relationship with Jesus? How might you encourage others in Christ too?


  1. How would you explain the confident hope we have because of Jesus?
  2. Would you consider yourself more a ‘morning person’ or a ‘night owl’? As we start each day, how might both morning people and night owls be in danger of forgetting the hope that we hold?

Read Philippians 3:15-21

  1. Who does Paul say is mature? What ‘view of things’ is Paul likely referring to?
  2. In what way does Christian maturity recognise that we are at the same time immature?
  3. If you are a follower of Jesus, what is it that you have attained and how?
  4. How may have others been ‘thinking differently’? Why was Paul confident that God would make it clear?
  5. Do you think you’re ever tempted or have a tendency to put your confidence in things or people other than Jesus? How might you in the coming week prayerfully examine where your confidence lies?
  6. What helps you daily to anchor your confidence to Jesus?
  7. Are there any people in your life who have been helpful examples to imitate? How did you know?
  8. Was Paul arrogant in calling others to follow his example? How was this courageous?
  9. Who were the ‘enemies of the cross’? Why was Paul so emphatic about the danger of imitating them? 
  10. How does Paul describe the future we await confidently because of Jesus? What excites you about this?

Read Philippians 4:1-3

  1. What does Paul call his brothers and sisters in Christ? What does he mean by this?
  2. Who were Euodia and Syntyche? What was their conflict about? Why was Paul so concerned?
  3. When you think of the example of Paul’s life, what stands out for you?
  4. How does the witness or example of Christians have the power to both point people to—and away—from Jesus? How can we be faithful examples, even if they are still imperfect?
  5. How do you feel about offering your life as an example for other Christians to follow? Do you think there are people who are watching your life in order to see a glimpse of the Gospel?
  6. What are the things in your living that you would want people to most and least imitate? 
  7. Do you consider yourself as a co-worker in the Gospel with your brothers and sisters in Christ?
    How could you as a small group more actively pray for one another’s witness and example?

Apply Write a note that says, “Jesus is Lord” and place it somewhere so it is the first thing you see each day.

Heavenly Father, please help to live up to the hope of what we have attained in Christ, watching out for who we imitate, and seeking to live in a way worthy of imitation. In Jesus’ Christ, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Front Line this Week

Have you ever shared a story of Jesus to your friends? Maybe you could share one the next time you're talking about what you're reading.

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