October 16, 2022

Isaiah: The Glorious Branch

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Isaiah 4:2-6

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: How could you grow in seeing your freedom from sin and freedom in relationship with God this week?


  1. What is the largest tree that you have seen felled? How was Israel to be cut down?
  2. Why might have Israel doubted that God was working out his purposes? Does anything ever cause you to wonder (or doubt) if God is working out his purposes?
  3. What can give us confidence that God is working out his purposes and will bring them to fulfilment?

Read Isaiah 4:2-6

  1. Where in Isaiah has the phrase “in that day” (or something similar) been used already? What does Isaiah actually mean by “in that day”?
  2. How is Isaiah like a tale of two cities? How would you describe these two cities?
  3. Up to this point in Isaiah, how has the prophet pointed to impending judgement and future restoration?
  4. What is the “Branch of the Lord”? What makes them the branch? What was Godʼs purpose for them?
  5. How is the Branch of the Lord connected to the land? What will the land be like? (Especially consider how this contrasts to some of the present descriptors of the land.)
  6. Read John 15:1-8. Whilst the Branch here is not likely a specific reference to the Messiah, how have Christians been graed into Godʼs people through Jesus the vine?
  7. What would the people “who remain” be called? What is meant by this?
  8. Whilst verse 4 may sound specific to women, how can we be sure this applies to both men and women?
  9. How would those who were saved become holy? How can we be made holy?
  10. How does God use judgement as part of the working out of his purposes? What hope do we have?
  11. What is the secure future that those graed into the Lord can be certain of? What are the parallels with the Exodus that are being drawn here?
  12. How do we enjoy the Lordʼs presence, provision, and protection today? How will we know and experience this in a complete way in the future?

APPLY: Is there one area in which you are most likely to doubt that God is working out his purposes? How could you hand this over to the Lord and grow in your confidence that the Lord will fulfil his promises?

Gracious God, we thank you that you are indeed working out your purposes and will bring them to fulfilment when the Lord Jesus returns. Please help us to be honest with our struggles and to grow in our trust in you. In Jesusʼ Name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: Where might you have new or existing opportunities do you have to show Godʼs compassion? If youʼre not sure, start by focusing on a time: what opportunities do you have to show Godʼs compassion at 10am?

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