November 17, 2019

Hebrews - The Runner

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Hebrews 12:1-11

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: Find a practical way to rejoice daily in the dwelling with God that has been afforded to us through Jesus.

WARM-UP  Question

  1. How is the Christian life more of a marathon rather than a sprint? How have you known this to be true?
  2. Who have you known personally who has been a great example of running with perseverance?

READ Hebrews 12:1-3

  1. What are the distinctive parts about the race that we run? How does it matter that our race has been marked out by God for us?
  2. If the race is of God’s design, what must we do with our plans, priorities, hopes, and dreams? How do we ensure that we keep on submitting them to God?
  3. What is the author referring to when he says that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses? What is the significance of this?
  4. What are the two things that we are to throw off? Why can one thing that might distract you not be a distraction for another? Can you share a distraction that you might need to eliminate?
  5. In what way can sin so easily entangle us and cause us to trip up? What is the antidote?
  6. What is meant by fixing our eyes on Jesus? Why is this a continual process of looking away to him?
  7. Why do you think we have such a tendency to keep looking away? What helps you to look to Jesus?
  8. Is there anything new that you have learnt (or been reminded of) about Jesus in our Hebrews series?

READ Hebrews 12:4-11

  1. In what way can enduring hardship actually be good for us?
  2. How is God disciplining us a sign of his love for us? If it is a sign of God’s love, why then do we find it so difficult? How might we grow in our receptiveness to discipline?
  3. How does God’s discipline compared to the discipline of our parents?
  4. How does knowing that the challenges we face are not pointless, but have a purpose and are not permanent, help us to endure them?

APPLY: What one thing will help you to run God’s race more effectively this week?

Gracious and loving God, as we run with perseverance that race that you have marked out for us, please help us to do so by eliminating distractions, fixing our eye on Jesus, and enduring hardship as discipline. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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