October 27, 2019

Hebrews - A Better Hope

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Hebrews 7:1-28

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: What is a need that you can confidently approach God’s throne of grace for?

WARM-UP  Question

  1. Do you think being a Christian is a sprint or a marathon? What aspect do you find hardest?
  2. Why do you think we can be tempted to run to fake assurances of relationship with God, rather than trusting in that which is unseen?

READ Hebrews 7:1-19

  1. Can you recall the problems that the letter’s community was experiencing? Are these relevant to us?
  2. What was the meaning of Melchizedek’s name? What is significant about him being priest and king?
  3. How do these verses show us the superiority of Melchizedek compared to Abraham?
    How is Melchizedek’s priesthood superior than that of the Levitical priesthood?
  4. What similarities can you identify between Melchizedek and Jesus?
  5. This part of Hebrews points out some problems with the Old Covenant and Levitical Priesthood. What were some of the problems (cf. vv.11,18-19,23,27-28)? What therefore was the point of the former way?
  6. How does Melchizedek open up a way for a different (and superior) priesthood?
  7. If Jesus did not descend from the tribe of Levi, what was the basis of his priesthood? What assurance does this basis give us?

READ Hebrews 7:20-28

  1. Because of Jesus, what are the three ways that cause us to have a better hope and covenant?
  2. Have you ever been a guarantor for someone? How was that a risk?
  3. Have you ever thought about Jesus being your guarantor? How does that make you feel?
  4. What are the implications that Jesus is our permanent priest? How can Jesus’ permanency and availably sometimes lead us to be complacent? What might help us in this regard?
  5. How is it possible that Jesus completely saves? How is he the perfect sacrifice?
  6. Is there anything in your life in which you can sometimes put your trust in more than Jesus? What could help you to grow your hope in Jesus who is unseen, instead of things seen which are false?

APPLY: Share one aspect of how your hope in Jesus is better than the hopes of the world.

Father, thank you that Jesus is a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek! Please help us to run to him, and him alone, rejoicing that it is through Jesus that we are saved and can know you. Thank you for the evidence that you have provided and the hope you have given. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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