April 18, 2021

God's Kingdom: Sending King

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Acts 1:1-11

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: What could help you see Jesus more clearly and continually worship him as Lord of all?


  1. What is the connection between the end of Luke and the beginning of Acts?
  2. Have you ever considered the ascension of Jesus to be critical? Why or why not?

READ Acts 1:1-11

  1. Why does Luke both finish Luke and commence Acts with the ascension account? If the ascension didn’t happen, what are the implications?
  2. What further evidence does Luke supply at the beginning of Acts to support the claim that Jesus had risen? What are the implications of Jesus being alive?
  3. What do you most love about being able to know Jesus? What most helps you in this relationship?
  4. If one of your friends knew quite a lot about Jesus, how would you encourage them to actually know Jesus personally? How could you grow in your personal relationship with Jesus?

READ Luke 24:45-53

  1. What is the significance of the disciples worshipping Jesus immediately after the ascension? How could you grow in wonder of Jesus as your exalted King?
  2. What is different about Jesus’ assumption into heaven compared to Enoch’s or Elijah’s?
  3. What does it look like to recognise Jesus as Lord on all of your frontlines and of every aspect of your life, identity, and activity?
  4. According to Jesus, who is the Good News for? What does this mean for us and our proclamation?
  5. What was now at the heart of the mission of the disciples? How are they empowered for mission?
  6. How do we in some way share in this same mission? How are we empowered for mission?
  7. What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus living between his ascension and his return? What do you find most challenging about waiting for Jesus’ return?
  8. How should Jesus’ return motivate us to go into the world as witnesses of Jesus?
  9. What are the most important details about God’s Kingdom that you have learnt or been reminded of during this series? What has stood out for you the most?

APPLY:  What is one way this week that you can demonstrate that Jesus has sent you?

Heavenly Father, we thank you that you have enjoined us in your mission to the world as part of your church and empowered by your Spirit. Please embolden us to live in the reality of Jesus’ Lordship and every frontline, proclaiming the Good News that he is the risen, exalted, and returning King. Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: Amongst holidays, what new opportunities do you have to visit, love, or listen to someone?

Listen, Watch, and Read:          

Next Series Resources (1 Corinthians):

Series Resources:

Some helpful resources for our Series:

  • OUTLINE: for Series with key verses, big ideas, and reflection questions:
  • FOR FAMILIES: Download the St Bart’s Kids Lego Devotional Guide: https://bit.ly/2YrP3Mf
  • WEBSITE: “Gospel of the Kingdom of God” by the Bible Project: https://bit.ly/2NFP2SJ
  • BOOK: “Goldsworthy Trilogy: Gospel & Kingdom, Gospel & Wisdom, the Gospel in Revelation” by Graeme Goldsworthy
  • BOOK: “Luke for Everyone” by Tom Wright
  • Course: “The Bible Overview” as part of the Ridley Certificate (6-week online course).
    https://bit.ly/3pGDVH7 (We’ll also be offering this in Term 3 of 2021 at St Bart’s.)

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