February 28, 2021

God's Kingdom: Kingdom Barriers

The Rev'd Dr Daniel Rouhead
Luke 18:18-30

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: How does humbly seeking God’s mercy shape your relationship with him & others?


  1. How have state border closure affected you in the last twelve months?
  2. What are the things which occupy your time, passion and energy?

READ Luke 18:18-23

  1. Who is this young man? How does his identity impact the way we connect with this story?
  2. The ruler asks the most important question of all in v. 18. What false assumptions does his question reveal?
  3. When the ruler called Jesus, “good teacher”, who does he think Jesus is?
  4. Why does Jesus answer, “No one is good but God alone”? What is he saying about himself?
  5. Is there any significance to the commandments Jesus chose to list or the ones he leaves out?
  6. Do you believe the ruler’s response in verse 21? What did that answer reveal about him?
  7. How does Jesus respond in verse 22? Why does he ask the ruler to sell all that he has?
  8. Why aren’t all Christians following this instruction?
  9. What is the call of Christians who follow Jesus? What are we to leave behind?
  10. The rich ruler went away sad, not defensive or angry. Why do you think he had this reaction?
  11. How can we have joy while leaving material things behind? How does this counter the culture of our society? How could you live on your frontline to show this off?

READ Luke 18:24-30

  1. Why is it so hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of God?
  2. Why do those who witnessed this interaction ask the question in verse 26?
  3. According to Jesus, salvation is not only “hard” but “impossible” without God. Why?
  4. How is it that we can have salvation? What made it possible?
  5. Why might Peter react as he does in verse 28?
  6. Looking at Jesus’ reply, what is the cost and benefit of following him?

APPLY: What are the things which would tempt you to walk away from Jesus?

Heavenly Father, help us to remain faithful to you, identifying the barriers which can spring up and separate us from you and your kingdom. Help us to love you first in our lives…help us to trust you first in our lives. We thank you that Jesus has done everything to make our salvation possible. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: Is work your primary frontline? Meet and pray with other workers at our monthly Work + Faith meeting at Catholic Care, 7-8am Wednesday March 3. Register here: stbarts.com.au/workfaith

Listen, Watch, and Read:          

Series Resources:

  • Some helpful resources for our Series:
  • OUTLINE: for Series with key verses, big ideas, and reflection questions:
  • FOR FAMILIES: Download the St Bart’s Kids Lego Devotional Guide: https://bit.ly/2YrP3Mf
  • WEBSITE: “Gospel of the Kingdom of God” by the Bible Project: https://bit.ly/2NFP2SJ
  • BOOK: “Goldsworthy Trilogy: Gospel & Kingdom, Gospel & Wisdom, the Gospel in Revelation” by Graeme Goldsworthy
  • BOOK: “Luke for Everyone” by Tom Wright
  • Course: “The Bible Overview” as part of the Ridley Certificate (6-week online course).
    https://bit.ly/3pGDVH7 (We’ll also be offering this in Term 3 of 2021 at St Bart’s.)

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