February 21, 2021

God's Kingdom: Kingdom Entrance

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Luke 18:9-17

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: How could you (as a group) help each other pray and not give up?


  1. What do you think are the common ways of approaching God? Has your approach changed over time?
  2. Why do you think ‘virtue signalling’ and ‘humble bragging’ have become such a prevalent practices in our culture? Are you ever tempted to do this? What do you think Jesus would say to this?
  3. What were Pharisees and Tax Collectors like in the ancient world?

READ Luke 18:9-12

  1. What was the basis on which the Pharisee approached God? What was the result of this with his horizontal relationships with people and his vertical relationship with God?
  2. How is the Pharisee confident because of both what he does and what he does not do?
  3. How do you feel about the Pharisee when you read of his self-righteous behaviour?
    Do you think you can ever slip into a ‘merit-based’ approach with God? Why is it perilous?
  4. Do you think you’re ever tempted to be self-righteous? Are there any particular areas in your life in which you find this challenging? (You might even pray this week that God would convict you any areas of self-righteousness.)
  5. Are you ever tempted to compare yourself to others? Why is this such a dangerous endeavour?
  6. How does this parable challenge us to abandon fruitless comparisons?

READ Luke 18:13-17

  1. How does the Tax Collector’s approach to prayer compare to that of the Pharisee?
  2. Why should we only compare ourselves against God’s standard of holiness? How should that cause us to run to God for mercy?
  3. On what basis can we approach God with confidence? How does the Tax Collector model this?
  4. What does it look like to humbly come before God daily like kids? How about on one of your frontlines?
  5. How does humbling ourselves before God actually result in us being exalted by God?
  6. How can pride and self-pity both be sides of the same coin?
  7. What is the significance of this all taking place in the Temple? How did the Temple sacrifices point to the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus was about to fulfil in Jerusalem?
  8. Are you certain that you have been justified by God and secure in his Kingdom? How can you be?

APPLY: How does humbly seeking God’s mercy shape your relationship with him & others?

Heavenly Father, thank you that we can approach you confidently to seek your mercy. Please expose any self-righteousness in us. Please help us to humbly acknowledge our sin and confidently trust in your Son. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: Is work your primary frontline? Meet and pray with other workers at our monthly Work + Faith meeting at Catholic Care, 7-8am Wednesday March 3. Register here: stbarts.com.au/workfaith

Listen, Watch, and Read:          

Series Resources:

Some helpful resources for our Series:

  • OUTLINE: for Series with key verses, big ideas, and reflection questions:
  • FOR FAMILIES: Download the St Bart’s Kids Lego Devotional Guide: https://bit.ly/2YrP3Mf
  • WEBSITE: “Gospel of the Kingdom of God” by the Bible Project: https://bit.ly/2NFP2SJ
  • BOOK: “Goldsworthy Trilogy: Gospel & Kingdom, Gospel & Wisdom, the Gospel in Revelation” by Graeme Goldsworthy
  • BOOK: “Luke for Everyone” by Tom Wright
  • Course: “The Bible Overview” as part of the Ridley Certificate (6-week online course).
    https://bit.ly/3pGDVH7 (We’ll also be offering this in Term 3 of 2021 at St Bart’s.)

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