March 14, 2021

God's Kingdom: Forgiving King

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Luke 19:1-10

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: Who are you praying for this year to see Jesus clearly and to become a passionate follower of him? How can you encourage them particularly this week?


  1. If you were to ask someone on your frontline what they thought Jesus came to do, what do you think they would say?
  2. Who might our society class as ‘beyond redemption’ these days? Is there such a thing as deserving God’s forgiveness?

READ Luke 19:1-7

  1. What was the significance of Jericho? What was it like?
  2. Can you recall how the tax system worked in the first century? What was the role of the Tax Collector?
  3. What was the social status of the Tax Collector? What was the religious status of the Tax Collector?
  4. What is Zacchaeus’ response to hearing that Jesus was coming to town? What is so incredible about this? Why might he have responded in this way?
  5. When Jesus saw Zacchaeus, what did he do? What was the role of hospitality and significance of inviting someone into your home? What was the response of Zacchaeus to his request?
  6. What was the response of the onlookers? Why might they have had this reaction?
  7. What should be the appropriate response to seeing anyone coming and welcoming Jesus in their lives?
  8. How could you play a part in showing off Jesus to someone on your frontline this week?

READ Luke 19:8-10

  1. How did Zacchaeus react to having Jesus and salvation come to him? Does Zacchaeus earn his salvation here? Why/why not?
  2. What does the word ‘repentance’ mean and why is it significant?
  3. What was Zacchaeus’ new religious status having encountered the grace of Christ and repented?
  4. Who is Jesus for? Is there anyone who may cause you to mutter or complain about if they were to come to Christ? Do you think anyone is ‘too far gone’ and beyond the mercy of Christ? Who are ‘the lost’?
  5. Why is God’s grace seen as ‘scandalous’ by some? Why do we need this grace and how do we benefit from God’s grace?
  6. What could we practically do to help this news not grow ‘stale’ or ‘overfamiliar’ to us?

APPLY:  How can you invite the lost in to hear more of the Good News of Jesus?

Gracious God, thank you that you didn’t leave us in our sin but that you came to seek and to save people like us. Keep us from self-reliance, help us to say no to ungodliness, and help us to live our lives to your praise and glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: Where are you going to be at 10am each day this week? How can you pray for those people & places?

Listen, Watch, and Read:          

Series Resources:

Some helpful resources for our Series:

  • OUTLINE: for Series with key verses, big ideas, and reflection questions:
  • FOR FAMILIES: Download the St Bart’s Kids Lego Devotional Guide: https://bit.ly/2YrP3Mf
  • WEBSITE: “Gospel of the Kingdom of God” by the Bible Project: https://bit.ly/2NFP2SJ
  • BOOK: “Goldsworthy Trilogy: Gospel & Kingdom, Gospel & Wisdom, the Gospel in Revelation” by Graeme Goldsworthy
  • BOOK: “Luke for Everyone” by Tom Wright
  • Course: “The Bible Overview” as part of the Ridley Certificate (6-week online course).
    https://bit.ly/3pGDVH7 (We’ll also be offering this in Term 3 of 2021 at St Bart’s.)

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