March 28, 2021

God's Kingdom: Entering King

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Luke 19:28-44

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: How can you maximise your gifts in service of the returning King?


  1. What comes to mind when you think of a grand entrance?
  2. What does Jesus’ entrance indicate about the type of King he is?

READ Luke 19:28-40

  1. What was the significance of the Mount of Olives?
  2. Why did Jesus choose to enter into Jerusalem on a donkey? How would this have been different to the entrance of other Kings into their cities?
  3. What did the disciples do with their cloaks and clothes? What does this show about their relationship to Jesus?
  4. In V37, why do the disciples praise God and lift their voices? What do the miracles tell us about the significance of Jesus?
  5. Read Psalm 118:25-29. How does Jesus fulfil this Psalm? What does it mean for Jesus to come ‘in the name of the Lord’?
  6. Read Luke 2:13-14 and compare to V38. What type of peace does Jesus bring? How do we experience this peace even in the midst of this broken world?
  7. What should the experience of this peace ultimately lead to in our lives?
  8. Why were the Pharisees not happy with the cries of the crowd? How did they react?
  9. What could you do to remind yourself both of the kingship of Jesus and the peace that he brings? What could you do to help you rest in this knowledge?

READ Luke 19:41-44

  1. What do Jesus’ tears show us about his character and his heart for the lost?
  2. What would have brought Jerusalem ultimate peace? What ultimately happened to Jerusalem around 40 years later?
  3. What happens when people reject the offer of peace that God has won for us? How is your heart for those who haven’t turned to Christ?

APPLY:  How can you both demonstrate and tell others about the peace that Jesus brings on your frontlines this week?

Heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus who demonstrated, declared, and won the ultimate peace of being reconciled with you. Help us to continually recognise him as king in our lives. Give us the same mind of Christ Jesus that we may have compassion for the lost and share your good news with them. Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: As you share about your Easter long-weekend plans, can you also share about how the news of Easter shapes your life?

Listen, Watch, and Read:          

Series Resources:

Some helpful resources for our Series:

  • OUTLINE: for Series with key verses, big ideas, and reflection questions:
  • FOR FAMILIES: Download the St Bart’s Kids Lego Devotional Guide: https://bit.ly/2YrP3Mf
  • WEBSITE: “Gospel of the Kingdom of God” by the Bible Project: https://bit.ly/2NFP2SJ
  • BOOK: “Goldsworthy Trilogy: Gospel & Kingdom, Gospel & Wisdom, the Gospel in Revelation” by Graeme Goldsworthy
  • BOOK: “Luke for Everyone” by Tom Wright
  • Course: “The Bible Overview” as part of the Ridley Certificate (6-week online course).
    https://bit.ly/3pGDVH7 (We’ll also be offering this in Term 3 of 2021 at St Bart’s.)

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