1 Corinthians
August 8, 2021

God's Church: To Each is Given

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
1 Corinthians 12:1-31

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: How can you grow in your appreciation of the Lord’s Supper and in the unity of the church?


  1. What were the various ways in which the Corinthians had created competition and contention amongst themselves? What was happening in Corinth when it came to spiritual gifts?
  2. Do spiritual gifts ever cause controversy in the church today? What are the common ways?

Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-13

  1. Who does Paul say that all gifts are from? (Try to find all of the references that make this clear.) How is this such a counter-cultural idea today? How can we be reminded that our gifts are from God?
  2. How can I sure that I have the Spirit of God? Does this mean we also are gifted by God?
  3. Paul encouraged the Corinthians to see themselves as body and then individuals. How is this a radically counter-cultural idea today? What difference would it make to “flip” our view of things?
  4. How can a distorted view of our gifts lead to feeling inferior or superior? What does Paul say to that?
  5. What is the purpose of our spiritual gifts? What are the pointers that we are incredibly united?
  6. Do you think you have a tendency to underestimate or overestimate the gifts entrusted to you? Why are both so potentially dangerous with regards to God’s plans and purposes?

Read 1 Corinthians 12:14-31

  1. What are the gifts listed in this chapter? Do we understand all of these? Is this list exhaustive?
  2. What are the various gifts that you recognise in the people in your small group? What do you think are the gifts that God has entrusted to you?
  3. Why is it good that we are unified but not uniform? Could we be a body if all were the same?
  4. What do you think it really looks like to recognise every part as actually essential?
  5. What are the circumstances that make you tempted to think “you have no part” or “I have no part”?
  6. Who (to you) has been a great example of using their gifts from God clearly for God’s glory?
  7. What is the danger of deploying our gifts but disregarding love? Have you ever witnessed this?
  8. How can we be more active in lovingly recognising, honouring, and rejoicing in other people’s gifts?

APPLY:  Who is one person who you could encourage in the active use of their gifts for the Lord?

Thank you Lord for those who have shared the Good News with us and used their gifts to help disciple us. Please help us to use the gifts that you have entrusted to us, for your glory. Please correct our hearts where there is anything that impedes us using your gifts for your purposes. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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